Samsung SAS 12G TCG Enterprise SSC SEDs PM1633a Series Security Policy
This non-proprietary Security Policy may only be copied in its entirety without alterations including this statement. Samsung copyright 2016.
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Security rules
The following specifies the security rules under which the cryptographic module
shall operate in accordance with FIPS 140-2:
The cryptographic module operates always in FIPS Mode once shipped from
the vendor's manufacturing site.
The steps necessary for the secure installation, initialization and start-up of
the cryptographic module as per FIPS 140-2 VE10.03.01 are as follows:
Step1. User should examine the tamper evidence
Inspect the entire perimeter for cracks, gouges, lack of screw(s)
and other signs of tampering including the tamper evident
sealing label.
If there is any sign of tampering, do not use the product and
contact Samsung.
Step2. Identify the firmware version in the device
Confirm that the firmware version is equivalent to the version(s)
listed in this document via SCSI Inquiry command
Step3. Take the drive’s ownership
Change SID’s PIN by setting a new PIN
Change EraseMaster’s PIN by setting a new PIN
Erase Method on each LBA Range to rekey the encryption key
Change BandMaster0~7’s PIN by setting new PINs
Configure the LBA Range(s) by setting ReadLockEnabled and
WriteLockEnabled columns to True
Don’t change LockOnReset column in Locking Table so that
the drive always gets locked after a power cycle
Step4. Configure FW download and Diagnostic features
Disable Makers Class using SID Authority to disable FW
download and Diagnostic features
Enable Makers Class only when FW download and Diagnostic
features are needed
Step5. Periodically examine the tamper evidence
If there is any sign of tampering, stop using the product to avoid
a potential security hazard or information leakage.
The cryptographic module shall maintain logical separation of data input,
data output, control input, status output, and power.
The cryptographic module shall not output CSPs in any form.
The cryptographic module shall use the Approved DRBG for generating all
cryptographic keys.