Samsung Confidential
Permission, so, BLE, Location and Storage permissions are requested. If it’s denied one
of them, the Mobile app could not receive the status data.
Completion of recording
When the recording time is over, remove the Sensor device from the patient’s chest and dispose
of the used electrodes
Daily Usage
Wear this S-PATCH as you go about your normal daily activities, as well as at night while you
sleep. However, you need to remove the Sensor device when:
Showering, bathing, or swimming
Traveling on aircraft
Undergoing an MRI
To finish the Mobile app, press “BACK” button on the Android device or touch “Multi-
tasking” button on the Android device and close the app.
Remove the Sensor device from the chest.
When you are ready to put the Sensor device back on, attach the Sensor device on the
recommended position. Turn on the Mobile app and resume monitoring the Sensor
device status.
Data download and management
ECG Data Download and Display
1) Connect the Sensor device and Cradle to the Personal Computer
2) Open the PC software and Login with User name & Password created in the System
initialization step
3) Device connect and Read data in Menu bar
4) After reading data, ECG graph will appear in ECG signal graph window