Samsung Solid State Drive
Quick User Manual
5. Close the desktop PC cover and reconnect the PC power cable.
4. BIOS Configuration
In most cases, the system will automatically detect the newly installed SSD when you restart
the PC. If not, please follow the procedure indicated below, or refer to the user manual of
your PC.
1. Turn the PC Power ON.
2. Press the special key for your system to get into the PC BIOS settings (also called CMOS)
during the initial booting process.
Note: The way to get into the BIOS settings and the settings menu differs between PC manufacturers.
Refer to your PC’s user manual for the detailed procedure. In most cases the key is the F2 or
Delete key.
3. After entering the PC BIOS settings, make sure that your PC BIOS recognizes your
Samsung SSD 470 Series, and the operation mode is [SATA].
Note: The BIOS type may be different between PC motherboard manufacturers and PC manufacturers.
As a result, the BIOS configuration and the menu names of the features may vary slightly
for different PC brands and/or models. Some PC manufacturers have the BIOS optimized
exclusively for their PCs and may provide only limited setting options. Please refer to the user’s
manual provided by your PC manufacturer for more details.
4. If the PC BIOS and OS support [AHCI] mode, enable [AHCI] mode.
Note: Some PC chipsets do not support [AHCI] operation mode even if they support the SATA interface.
Check your PC’s user manual.
5. Save BIOS settings and reboot the PC.
Note: If the BIOS detects the SSD and a booting error message appears during the PC booting process,
then the SSD installation has been done correctly and you can now start installing an OS.