Samsung HL-R5087W - 50

Summary of Contents for HL-R5087W - 50" Rear Projection TV

Page 1: ...RS078WX XAA HLR6768WX XAA HL R6768W Manual HD Built in TV m NTSC ATSC QAM Tuner Embedded m AV network system Anynet D Net m TV Guide On ScreenTMsystem Gemstar EPG m DigitalAudio output OPTICAL jack m Cable CARDTMslot m Firmware upgrade by USB Port ...

Page 2: ...3 3 FactoryData 3 3 m 3 4ServiceAdjustment 3 15 m 3 5SoftwareUpgrade 3 18 m 3 6 Replacements Calibration 3 19 Chapter 4 Exploded View Part List m 4 I HLR6768VVX XAA 4 I m 4 2 L680EngineAss y 4 2 Chapter 5 Electrical Part List m 5 1 HLR6768VVX XAA ServiceItem 5 1 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting m 6 I Checkpointsby ErrorMode 6 1 m 6 2Troubleshooting Procedures by ErrorModes 6 7 m 6 3Troubleshooting Proced...

Page 3: ...D 10 41 m 10 7RMC 10 42 Chapter 11 Operation instruction installation m 11 1ProductFeaturesandFunctions 1I 1 m 1I 2 NewFeatures 1I 5 Chapter 12 Disassembly Reassembly m 12 1OverallDisassembly Reassembiy 12 1 Chapter 13 Circuit Description m 13 I OverallBlockDescription 13 1 m 13 2PartialBlockDescription 13 2 m 13 3NewCircuitDescription 13 7 Chapter 14 Reference information m 14 I Otherissuesrelate...

Page 4: will invalidatethe warranty Warning HotChassis SomeTV chassisaredirectlyconnectedto oneendof theAC powercordfor electricalreasons Withoutinsulated transformers the productcanonly be repairedsafelywhen thechassisis connectedto the earthedend of theAC powersource TomakesuretheAC powercord is properlyconnected followthe instructionsbelow Usethe voltmeterto measurethe voltagebetweenthe cha...

Page 5: ...teven if the newone hasa highervoltageor morewatts Criticalsafetypartsshouldbebracketedwith _ Z_ Useonly regularpartsfor replacements in particular flameresistance and dielectricstrengthspecifications Irregularpartsor materialsmaycauseelectricshockor fire Payadditionalattentionto the currentleakageas the voltagebetweenthe powerboardandthe ballastis 220 to 440v i e veryhigh Andalso bewareof possibl...

Page 6: ...n Afterthe repair makesureto checkif the screws parts or cablesare properlyinstalled Makesure nodamageis causedto the repairedpartand itssurroundings Checkfor insulationbetweenthe bladeof the AC plug andthatof anyconductivematerials i e the metal panel inputterminal earphonejack etc 6 InsulationCheckProcess Unplugthe powercord from theAC sourceand turnthe switchon Connectthe insu latingresistancem...

Page 7: ...removaldevicewithoutan anti staticfeaturecan storeenoughstaticelectricityto causedamageto the ESD Do not removethe ESDfromthe protectivebox untilthe replacementis ready MostESD replacements are coveredwith lead whichwill causea shortto the entire unit dueto the conductivefoam aluminumfoil or other conductivematerials Removethe protectivematerialfrom the ESD replacementleadimmediately afterconnecti...

Page 8: ...outletbeforerepositioning the product Alsocheckthe antennacable orthe externalconnectors if theyare fullyunplugged Damageto the cordmay causefire or electricshock Keeptheantennafar awayfromany high voltage cables andinstallit firmly Contactwiththe high voltage cableor the antennafallingover maycausefire or electricshock Whenconnectingthe RFantenna checkfor a DTV receivingsystemandinstalla separate...

Page 9: ...nitionanalogbasebandtelevisionsignal intoa 4 2 2componentdigitalvideodata streamcompatiblewith20 16 bit or 10 8 BitCCIR601 CCIR656 outputsfor standarddefinition SMPTE293M 296M 274M ITU R BT1358 for Highdefinition All RGBgraphicssignalsareoutputas 30 bit4 4 4 RGBor 20 bit4 2 2YCrCb MSP4440 The MSP44x0Gfamilyof single chipMultistandardSoundProcessors coversthe soundprocessingof all analog TV Standar...

Page 10: ... Highqualityimageimplementation AnyNetFeature An enhancedinterfacefor variousexternaldevices USBInterface Usethe USBinterfacefor servicepurposes S WUpgrade II S WConfiguration MCU Built in300MHz MIPSX226BCPU 4 LayeredArchitecture DeviceDriver OS Hardware Abstraction Application OSD 32BitTrue ColorGraphicsOSD Enhancedsystemstabilityby separatingthe DTVcontrolandthe applicationcontrolsystemsintomult...

Page 11: ...Remocon TM76A II PowerSupply 120V II PIPSettings X PIPdoesn toperate _ PIPoperateandswapdoesn toperate __ PIPandswapoperate ATSC X X X X X X X X X X X X X _ QAM X X X X X X X X X X X X X _ NTSC A A O O O O O O O O O A X _ A A O X O O O O O O O A X A AV2 A A O O X O O O O O O A X A AV3 _ _ O O O X O O O O O _ X _ S Video1 A A O O O O X O O O O _ X _ S Video2 A A O O O O O X O O O A X _ S Video3 _ _...

Page 12: ...e4 DNle4 DNle4 DNle3 DNle4 DMD xHD3 xHD3 xHD3 xHD3 xHD2 xHD3 Base Tremble Balance No No No No No No Equalizer 5 Band 5Band 5 Band 5 Band 5 Band 5 Band Auto VolumeLeveler Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Audio TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT TruSurroundXT SurroundSound Dolby Digital DolbyDigital DolbyDigital DolbyDigital DolbyDigital DolbyDigital Speakersystem 2 Way 4 S...

Page 13: ... i ii Item I ttem ode I Remark Remocon AlkalineBattery Manuai ANYNETcable G LinkCable VideoCable AudioCable AntennaCable ComponentCable OpticalCable BP59 00071B 4301 000103 BP68 00520A BN39 00518B MD96 00036A SamsungServicecenter Internalshoppingmall SamsungElectronics 2 5 ...

Page 14: ...ckthe list below S W Notation T_EXCAAUSO_00XX indicates EXCALIBURBASICMODELUSA ver 0001 2 FrontInformation Windowcheck Seepage6 7 3 IndexDelayadjustment Seepage3 15 4 ActuatorGainadjustment Seepage3 17 5 Vertical HorizontalPositionadjustment Seepage3 15 6 CCA Seepage3 16 7 BoardLEDcheck Checkallthe LEDareturnedon in the Analog DetectBoard 8 Tilt Focusadjustment Seepage3 19 5VA 5 7VB R7 R6 3 1 2Koh...

Page 15: ...mesof ServiceModeSwitchovers DDPlOll LS DNle ADV7401 M ADV7401 S Xilleon226 uPD64083 MSP4440 CCA ON CinemaCCA SPActuator ESP GM1601 CHECKSUM OPTION SERVICE T_EXCAAUSO_00XX 2005 XX XX T DTVUCOM5 00XX T XMENAUS0_00XX 4 Buttonsoperations withinServiceMode MENU Full MenuDisplay Moveto ParentMenu Direction keys v ItemSelectionby Movingthe Cursor Direction keys 41 DataIncrease Decrease for the SelectedI...

Page 16: ...t Screenleft andrightadjustments Pulse P Pass T Synchronizes the basepositionof the colorwheelwith the corresponding colorsignal Thisis criticalto the naturalcolordisplay If the indexdelay is not properlyset eventhe correctCCAcordinateswill not helpwhen displayingnaturalcolors SequenceSelection VerticalFlipOperation HorizontalFlip Operation GammaTableSelection SLR FuncionOn Off DMDBiaspin voltages...

Page 17: ...l information for the minimumvalue 21 W_RATIO 6000 Highlevelinformationfor the minimumvalue 22 BLACK_TILT 0 255 90 BlackStretchArea 23 WHITE_TILT 0 255 240 WhiteStretchArea 24 GAIN_X1 0 63 70 Gainof horizontalhighfrequencyregion 25 GAIN_X2 0 63 35 Gainof horizontalmiddlefrequencyregion 26 GAIN_Y1 0 63 10 Gainof verticalhighfrequencyregion 27 GAIN_Y2 0 63 10 Gainof verticalmiddlefrequencyregion 28 ...

Page 18: ...ing_TH2 R_Coring_TH3 R_Coring_TH4 ON OFF 0 1022 0 255 0 255 0 255 0 255 0 1023 0 1023 0 1023 ON 75 224 128 128 128 512 512 512 3 3 3 3 H_FILTER1 0 11 0 H_FILTER2 0 10 0 V_FILTERI 0 4 0 V_FILTER2 0 3 0 SubColor 53 DNleOn Off OFF SubContrast 50 150 105 Brightnessadjustment for the high lightpartsof the screen ContrastOffset 5 SubBrightness 235 Brightnessadjustment for the low light partsof thescreen...

Page 19: ...ion ON OFFManualGainControlEnable ManualGainValuefor ChannelA ManualGainValuefor ChannelB ManualGainValuefor ChannelC ChannelA Offset ChannelB Offset ChannelC Offset Y PeakingFilterMode Y ShapingFilterMode WideBandTY ShapingFilterMode C ShapingFilterMode Contrast Adjust Brightness Adjust HueAdjust ColourKillThreshold SD OffsetCb Channel SD OffsetCr Channel SaturationCr Channel SaturationCb Channel...

Page 20: ...N 39 CCMN 40 YCMN 41 HSSLICE 42 VSSLICE 43 DLL_PH 44 ST_NOISE 45 ALIAS_FILTER_EN 46 DNR TH2 8 0 2 0 0 CTI ChromaThreshold Split FilterSelectionNTSC ChromaCombTapsNTSC ChromaCombmodeNTSC LunaCombModeNTSC 0 SamplePhaseAdjustment OFF SamsungElectronics 3 7 ...

Page 21: ...I AB EN ON 35 CTI_AB 0 3 3 Auto Colorfunctionexecution EmbeddedSyncTriggerLevel AGC TimeConstantSelection ON OFFManualGainControlEnable ManualGainValuefor ChannelA ManualGainValuefor ChannelB ManualGainValuefor ChannelC ChannelA Offset ChannelB Offset ChannelC Offset Y PeakingFilterMode Y ShapingFilterMode WideBandTY ShapingFilterMode C ShapingFilterMode Contrast Adjust Brightness Adjust HueAdjust...

Page 22: ...CMN 41 HSSLICE 42 VSSLICE 43 DLL_PH 44 ST_NOISE 45 ALIAS_FILTER_EN 46 DNR TH2 0 255 0 3 0 3 0 7 0 7 8 0 2 0 0 CTI ChromaThreshold Split FilterSelectionNTSC ChromaCombTapsNTSC ChromaCombmodeNTSC LunaCombModeNTSC 0xFFFF SamplePhaseAdjustment OFF SamsungElectronics 3 9 ...

Page 23: 3 DCCOR 0 15 3 DCdetectioncoringlevel 4 DCGAIN 0 15 6 DCdetectiongain 5 YHCOR 0 15 1 Y outputhighfrequencycomponentcoring 6 CDELAY 0 15 4 C signaloutputdelay 7 YPFT 0 15 3 YPFTadjustment 8 YPFG 0 15 7 YPFGadjustment 7 MSP4440 1 MDBEffect 0 127 56 MicronasDynamicBass 2 SRS Dialog 0 127 50 SRSDialogclarityadjustment 3 PLL Pilotlow adjustment 4 PLH Pilothighadjustment 3 10 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 24: ...mode 15 MoveHDMI Moveto the HDMIMode 16 DRedX 640 TargetRed Xvaluefor CCA 17 DRedY 340 TargetRedY valuefor CCA 18 DGreenX 300 TargetGreenX valuefor CCA 19 DGreenY 620 TargetGreenY valuefor CCA 20 DBlueX 150 TargetBlueX valuefor CCA 21 DBlueY 60 TargetBlueYvalue for CCA 22 DCyanX 205 TargetCyanX valuefor CCA 23 DCyanY 270 TargetCyanY valuefor CCA 24 DMagentaX 290 TargetMagentaX valuefor CCA 25 DMag...

Page 25: ...entaX valuefor CCA 10 DMagentaY 140 TargetMagentaY valuefor CCA 11 DYellowX 425 TargetYellowX valuefor CCA 12 DYellowY 515 TargetYellowY valuefor CCA 13 D White X 313 TargetWhiteX valuefor CCA 14 D White Y 329 TargetWhiteY valuefor CCA 10 SPActuator 1 ActuatorGain Pattl 0 175 95 ActuatorGainadjustment 2 ActuatorGain Patt2 0 175 95 ActuatorGainadjustment 3 ActuatorON OFF ON ActuatorOn Offselection ...

Page 26: ...Lampontimecounter Thesets turnsonautomatically when the powercord is 6 AUTOPOWER ON pluggedin 7 DNleDemo ON OFF ON DNIeDemofunctionselection 8 LampControl DynamidNormal Dynamic Dynamic Always Timewhichthescreenwill beblackwhileswitching 9 MUTETIME 400ms channels 10 EDIDWRITE 11 DDCProtection ON OFF OFF DDCwriteON OFFselection 12 LNADefault Auto OFF Auto LNAsettingOFF Autoselection 13 PROTECT ON Pr...

Page 27: ... CCA 12 LampClear 13 UserReset 0 60 0 120 0 175 0 175 0 1023 30 60 95 95 173 xHD3 132W Phiiips OFF Screenupperandloweradjustment Screenleft andrightadjustments ActuatorGainadjustment ActuatorGainadjustment Indexdelayadjustment xHD3 xHD4 selection Auto Colorfunctionexecution CCAmenu InitializeLampusagetime All user settingsaresetto default 3 14 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 28: ...ionvalueto 34or 35 Settingto thesevalueswill causehorizontal lines onthe right sideof the screen 3 4 2 INDEX DELAYAdjustment 1 Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND BY mode 2 In orderto enterthe ServiceMode Press Mute _ 1 _ 8 _ 2 _ POWER buttonson the RemoteControl 3 Select Service on the first displayof the Servicemodemenu 4 Pressthe A v Up or Down buttonto moveto INDEXDELAY then pressEN...

Page 29: ...viouslyinputtedDesiredColorCoordinates and MeasuredColorCoordinates 1 Conditionof the ServiceEngine 2 CCAServiceProcedures ToexecuteCCAadjustment performthe followingsteps 1 Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND BY mode 2 In orderto enterthe ServiceMode Press Mute _ 1 _ 8 _ 2 _ POWER buttonson the RemoteControl 3 Fromthe FactoryServiceModeMenu selectOPTION DMD_ DIGITAL Thisis for gettingt...

Page 30: ...n pressENTERto select ActuatorGain1 In caseof controlling with CrossPattern J_ BeforeAdjusting AfterAdjusting ActuatorGain2 In caseof controlling with CrosshatchPattern CROSSHATCHPATTERN bl _ _ _ 4 CAUSTION GAIN2isjust controlledbyyour eye becausecontrolvaluedoesn t appear In picture 2 Making Adjustments 1 As shownin the pictureabove changetheactuatorvaluesto eliminatesaw toothshapes Tofine tune i...

Page 31: ...again 4 Whenthe downloadis complete therewill beanotherlongbeepingtoneand theTV will go into standbymode Checkfor the FirmwareVersion 1 Turnoff the powerto put the unit intothe STAND BY mode 2 In orderto enterthe ServiceMode Press Mute 1 _ 8 _ 2 _ POWER buttonson the RemoteControl 3 In caseentryinto SERVICEMODEis unsuccessful repeatsteps 1and2 directlyabove 4 Youcancheckthe firmwareversionat the b...

Page 32: ...thof the uppercornersof the DMD board CROSSHATCHPATTERN l Fixthe safetyswitchon the rightwithtape so thatthe set can beturnedonafter removingthe bottomcover J _ Evenwhen thosescrewsare removed the boarddoesnot separateit can be movedwithinthe adjustablerangebecausethere are springscrewsat the centerholdingit _ Whenadjustingthe screen it is betterfor twopeopleto worktogether Onepersonshouldadjustth...

Page 33: ...rnor enterservicemodeanduse the internalgeneratedpatterns 2 Adjustthe focusalignmentdialof the ProjectionLens Clockwiseor CounterClockwise Seepicturein step4 until the pictureis clear 3 Sincethe alignmentis donefromthe rear usea mirroror a secondpersonto confirmthe adjustmentis complete 4 Adjustthe Lensfocus 5 InsertEngineAss ywithaccuracy 3 20 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 34: ...35E ASSY COVERP DUCT L6 HIPSHB GRY 1 S N A T0071 BP64 00382A INDICATOR LED 50L3 ABS CLEAR LG 1 S N A T0074 BP59 00071B REMOCON HURRICANE TM76A 2OO 54 3O ZlLOG 1 S A T0082 BP64 00309B WINDOWLED 50L3 ACRYL 2 0 half mirror SE 1 S N A T0091 BP94 01713A ASSY PCBMISC A V SIDE HLR6768WX XAA L65 1 S N A T0120 BP94 02215B ASSY PCB POWER HLR5067 HURRICANE L64B 11 1 S A T0129 BP96 01198D ASSY ENGINE P DLP 67...

Page 35: ...G LAMP BOTTOM 23 SVP 50L3HR AL D 1 S N A 9 T0049 BP47 00021A LAMP BALLAST EUC 120 P H11 120W 130mm ca 1 S A 9 1 BP61 00728A HOLDER BALLAST 23 SVP 50L3HR PC GtF20 1 S N A 10 T0530 BP63 00537A COVER LAMP HURRICANE 720P PC 1 S N A 11 BP61 01014A BRACKET ENGINE BASE SVP 50L6HR SECC T1 6 1 S N A 12 BP96 01073A ASSY LAMP P L6 L8 L620 L680 61 Philips 120W 1 S A 12 1 BP47 00018A LAMP UHP 100W 120W 1 0 E22...

Page 36: ...49 BP47 00022A LAMP BALLAST EUC 132d P 31 132W 130mm ca 1 S A T0053 BP67 00187A SCREEN FRESNEL 67W 1524 875 T2 0 1 S A T0054 BP67 00186A SCREEN LENTI 67W 1524 875 T2 1 1 S A T0074 BP59 00071B REMOCON HURRICANE TM76A 200 54 30 ZILOG 1 S A T0120 BP94 02215B ASSY PCB POWER HLR5067 HURRICANE L64B 11 1 S A T0128 BN39 00518B CBF SIGNAL STEREO SVP 50L3HR 1P UL2464 2 1 S A T0129 BP96 01198D ASSY ENGINE P ...

Page 37: ...oints by Error Node 1 PowerLight Checkthe masterswitch ON OFF andthe fuseto see if theyareoperating 2 LEDBlinking Seethe basicLEDchecklistin6 2 1 BlinkingTemp TimerLED Yes Yes No Yes Blinking Lamp and Temp LEDs No Yes No No SamsungElectronics 6 1 ...

Page 38: ...ubleshooting BlinkingTempLED Yes A blinkinglampLED is the mostcommonfailureindication Itcan be causedby no lamp no colorwheel no fan s orother defectivecomponents Yes _e 1 1_o bs _o 6 2 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 39: ...lyfromthe structureof the deviceitself Ashort harshnoisemayoccurfroma distortionor malformation dueto thermalexpansionbetweenthe metaljoints screwsandloadedparts respectively Any intermittent creaking noisecan be removedby looseningthescrews 4 A blackscreenwiththe lampon Replacethe DMDboard 5 LinePattern Regularlinepatternsoccurverticallyor horizontally Replacethe DMDboard 6 VoiceDistortion Replac...

Page 40: ...ntalBaror No Raster Errorin DDP1011 or the DMPpanel Replacethe DMDboard i_ DottedVerticalBar Errorin RambusDram IC403 or the soldering Replacethe DMDboard i_ Beehivemosaicpatternsallover the screen Errorin the LVDSReceiver IC601 or the soldering The H syncsignalsare nottransferredto DDP1011 Replacethe DMDboard 6 4 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 41: errorin the DMDboard DDP1011 TESTPATTERN _ Pressthe rightarrowkey Optionsof FULLWHITE BLACK RED GREENand BLUEPATTERN aredisplayedon the screen If Pattern doesnot appear thisis a DMDboarderror 3 Checkif thereis an errorin the digitalboardbeforethe DMD Whenthe DMDboardhasbeendeterminedto beerrorfree basedonthe test patterns FACTORY MODE_ DNle_ TESTPATTERN normaldisplay noerrorin the digitalboard ...

Page 42: ...Troubleshooting 6 1 2 Flow Chart for Malfunction Yes No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No 1 DVI Cable Yes 2 Analog Board No OP1 Stand by5V OP2 5VB OP3 12VB 6 6 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 43: ...not appearimmediately The TV hasa fan to keepthe insidelampfromoverheating You lloccasionally hearit working 6 2 2 Protect Status 1 Whenthe rearcoveris opened Asensordetectswhen the rearcoveris openedandturnsthe set offand theninto Standbymode If you closethe coverorfix the switch you canturn the seton by pressingthe Powerbuttononthe unit or the remotecontrol The setwill thenoperatenormally 2 When...

Page 44: ...ast Removethe lamp Fixthe safetyswitchon the rightwith tapeandturn on the power Checkto see if a blueflamestartsignitingin the arc gapinsidethe ballastmomentarily duringstart up Thereis no problemwiththe ballastif thereis a flame Whenthe ballasthasno error replacethe lamp A blueflame occurs momentariiy duringstart up cf _ Ja 6 8 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 45: ...nputsignals When3 5V 180Hzis output the colorwheelis operatingnormally DGT3 3V DGT5V FT750 CN750 ACN2012 900 2P_ R760 10Kohm _ DDP CW_NDEX IC75I LM393D L750 1 5uH C755 C756 100nF 10uF File _di Vetical Hodzlbcq ri_ Disr la_ 3 5V 180Hz 11n_GFi41704_7 cu_sl Pos C_2 Pes 2 168ms i_ u vl _ DMDBoardCheckDiagram CN752 53398 0590 7_ T DGT5V R775 _AA_ LAMPEN _ _L_R778 _L R779 i I _1 t 0Kohm i 10W I 3 3Kohn ...

Page 46: ...k Diagram 7 1 Overall Block Diagram Anynet G Link HDMI PC IEEE1394 Anynet Optical Gemstar IR RF In Air Cabl_ CableCard AlVIn 1 2 3 S Video 1 2 3 Component 1 2 _ A V Out RS 232C In PC DVI Audio In AC SamsungElectronics 7 1 ...

Page 47: ...Block Diagram 7 2 Partia Block Diagram 7 2 1 Power Board Block Diagram 70VB 30mA 1 T30VB 0 SmA S mute 6V 0 2mA S15VB 0 o4 0A 6 0V_B 0 93 1 8A J POWER CTL 7 2 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 48: ... Side L R ScrambleTS Unscramble TS MAIN V TS_2_DATA 7 0 CLK VLD SYNC COMP1 COMP2 12S_1394 12S_OUL1394 TS_A_DATA 7 0 CLK VLD SYNC CLK VLD SYNC TS_B_DATA 7 0 CLK VLD SYNC suB Y V C COMP1 NROut 161 NR In 16bit bNle NR EN 1 6bit 4 2 2 CLK HS VS 12S 13941 NR_Out 16bit DDR 12bit PDIF_OUT 12S OUT SamsungElectronics 7 3 ...

Page 49: ...Main C Out Sub YOut Sub COut Side Y C Main V Out Sub V Out Cap V Out Mon V Out Main Y V Out Sub Y Out Sub C Out CaD Y Out Mort Mixed V Out Main Y V Main C Sub Y V Sub C _ Cap CVBS 7 L__ Mon Vout L1 R1 L2 R2 Side L R Compl L R Comp2 L R PC L R Main L R MTNR StF STNR StF DVt HDMI2 L R Mon L Rout Amp ln L R Gain0 Gain1 7 4 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 50: ... Diagram Lam Power Good Reset M CLKRX DATRX TMDS RGB ODD DMD Ctrl Lvds Bus Master A B Lvds Bus Slave A B 100Mhz Lamp En Lamp Litz CW Index _et 3 3 V output l VCM Actuator _l DB Actuator _l Detector Circuit 24 P con SamsungElectronics 7 5 ...


Page 52: ...r_ Go 3 CQ m r_ C_ o c_ O _D _D CD O _ C1R c_ _ U_J O Cll ...

Page 53: ...sponsible for the powersupplyto the digital DMDboard 9 1 2 Names Roles of Key Parts CN801 Suppliespower DC220 400v to the ballast GT801 Anti lightning wire connectedto the digital board The anti lightning wire shouldbe installedfor safetypurposes PD802S Inlettypeof terminalthat is connectedto theAC powercable SamsungElectronics 9 1 ...

Page 54: ... 4 GND 5 12VA 6 GND 7 12VA 8 GND 9 33VA 10 POD SW CN804 Connecting Power to Analog Board Pin Name PIN Nol Pin Name STD 5V GND 33V GND POWER SW 5 5VB GND 12VB GND 12VB GND GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 S MUTE S14 5V GND S14 5V GND 5 5VB GND 12VB GND 12VB GND 80VB 9 2 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 55: decodeandunscramblethe premiumdigitalchannelsincludedin yourcableTV subscription withoutthe use of a cable box HighDefinitionMultimediaInterface The HDMI TM High DefinitionMultimediaInterface supportsuncompressed standardandhighdefinitiondigitalvideoformatsand existingdigitalmulti channel audioformats G Link Thisjackis usedby the TV GuideOnscreensystemof the TV to controlexternalanalogdevicessu...

Page 56: ...COMP2_Pr MTNR_CVBS MTNR_SIF STNR_CVBS STNR_SIF DTV_CVBS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND CN29 Pin Narne i I Pin Name Built In EI1 _ r_o Built In RS232_TxD RS232_RxD GND ANYNET_TxD ANYNET_RxD GND SPDIF_ATI GND 12SCLK NTSC GND 12S_DATA_NTSC 12SWS NTSC 12S_CLK_ATI GND 12S_DATA_ATI 12SWS ATI 1 2...

Page 57: ...7 8 TMDS_TX0 9 TMDS_TXI 17 TMDS_TX2 TMDS_TX0 10 TMDS_TX1 18 TMDS_TX2 GND 11 GND 19 GND TMDS_TXC 12 NO 20 SYNOVAL TMDS_TXC 13 NO 21 nRESET_DRV SOL_PANEL 14 NO 22 GND SDA_PANEL 15 LAMP TXn 1 23 DDP_READY NO 16 LAMP_RX 24 POWERGOOD PCB Diagram SamsungElectronics 9 5 ...

Page 58: ... m AnalogAudioSwitching Processing m 3D CombProcessing 9 3 2 Names Roles of Key Parts CN260 Connectedto the detectboard CN4 CN5 Connectedto the powerboard receivesthe secondpowersourcegeneratedonthe powerboard CN259 Sendsthe powersourcefromthe analogto the digitalboard CN20 Thisis a controlsignalterminalthatconnectsbetweenthe analoganddigitalboards CN257 Thisis an AVsignalterminalthatconnectsbetwe...

Page 59: ...0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND CN20 Pin Name I Pin Name Buit ln N N0 Built In RS232_TxD RS232_RxD GND ANYNET_TxD ANYNET_RxD GND SPDIF_ATI GND 12S CLK NTSC GND 12S_DATA_NTSC 12S WS NTSC 12S_CLK_ATI GND 12S_DATA_ATI 12S WS ATI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 MICOM_TxD MICOM_RxD GND SDA...

Page 60: ... 7 GND CN17 Connectingthe IR signal Pin Nol I Pin Name 1 IR 2 GND 3 5VA CN9 Connecting and transmitting Audio signal to Speaker Pin No Pin Name 1 GND 2 L OUT 3 GND 4 L OUT CN16 Connectingthe PowerandControlSignalto the PODFan PinNol PinName 1 FAN_ERROR 2 GND 3 8VA_FAN CN260 Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 No Pin Name GND GND 12VB 12VB GND SDA_M 1 SCL_M1 GND 5VA GND 70VB GND 9 8 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 61: ...vesthe powersourcefromthe detectboardandcommunicates withthe 12C Thissendsa 60Hzsignalto the detect board Thissuppliesthe powerto drivethe colorwheel Thisreceivesthe colorwheel rotatingsignals Thissendssignalsto the ballast The DVlcable terminal This receivesthe imagedatafrom thedigitalboard DMDPANEL Thisis protectedwitha heat sinkandfixtures DDP1011 Thisprocessesthe DMDdriveandthe signals Samsung...

Page 62: ... 220uF 35V CN5 5VA C798 100nF 25AVERIAT 12VA AC797 100nF _A_ER AL c22 100uF 25V Power Signal from SM PS Board only for USA PODSW 5VA 5 7VB 12VB 7 OP1 Power Check Indicator LED R8 _2K OP3 5 7VB VOU S14VB_L USE BP96 00882A ICl li R1 T ow 7_ for Audio Amp L eft IC3 9VB LM317SX I 11 _ m ZKo m 02o 11 10w _o uF LZ_ C21 100nF 25V MO 5VB KIA78D05F C3 220uF 35V _C4 100nF R2 Jl 10W I R4 187ohm I low Regulat...

Page 63: ...L60_ I 112 100 100 R102 JA1 UJ 19901H L 10_6_10uH Sl c Y R1 VI_DET Sl_DET S2_DET R2 V2 L2 V2 DET C S2Y MON VOUT MON ROUT MON LOUT _DET Y _Pb Pr R L L R Pr OMP2_ Y _OUT DVI_LIN ANYNET TX RS232 RX From SideAV Board Assy CN258 SIDE_Y SIDE_C SIDE_V SIDE_L SIDE_R SIDE_SDET SIDE_VDET OPTICAL OUT _ _0 _ R104 5VB 03 0114 100nF _vr JA2 OP AL OUl 10 2 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 64: ...7 7 T _T 10uF 0334 _ _o _XRE_ 16V _ 0337 1 L _ R3_ V_ MAIN V OUT STNR CVBS _ _o_F_ _ _ i_ IT XREF _3_ 00 03 0 0_ _ i_ c su_vo_m we _ _w _ _ _iii _3_ _ CA_V _m DTV CVBS _ I W_ xR_ R360 100 0343 SIDE V D_ 9 _V_ o_ 03 vn_ CVBS Switching 9VB AUDIO SWITCHING _c_o_ __ oo _ SDA_A _ A_ o o _ c_ _ V_ _ V_ _ _3 0 _ _ C SCL_A X_R_39 A 1K C324 _ 10UF _ __ R1 L1 L_VV__ _ _ _ _ L2 _r _ 4_ _K c_ ooF L2 R2 _4_R 2...

Page 65: ...2 Y _ O 0 O C XREF 21 22 F COMP2 Pb o o 2s 24 F O O COMP2 Pr _ _700_ Z MTNR CVBS _ 1 7 STNR CVBS AV Signal Connection STNR SIF _XREF _ Between Analog and Digital DTV CVBS R210 1K R213 188 MON MIXED V OUT MON V OUT R221 188 R222 4 TK 8V 6425 R211 1K R212 qTSuF sex1 5K Q206 _V _ 7 KSA1182 MON VOUT 8V 6425 R227 188 C A P Y O UT CAPv OUTr _W_ R233 180 Q211 _R989 KSC1623 6 IK _IK 1 16W1 1 16_ R234 470 ...

Page 66: I IGW R405 Q4Ol KSAl 82 Q402 KSC1623 Y R408 220 1 16W 4 7K lOuF c4o_ 1 16W _ 188rF 100R404 V_A R406 08 _VV R407 _w 88 C403 uF x_E_ SDA A x_E_ SCL A x_E_ nRESET ANALOG 3 3VB Y I 6W _ R449 I16W R452 18 _ M OUT GND _ 9 NC GND s NC M s oo_ _ COMB Y OUT 18uF 18 uF 16V 6V 5VB 3 3VB 16V 16V SamsungElectronics 10 5 ...

Page 67: ...12VB D4 7V 5 7VB 5VA C802 _ 100nF 16V NO NO DCDC ConverterforPowerofATI CPU MD3 3V MD2 3V 33VBD2 5V CN259 IN 30 BR200 1 F 2 4 3 10 9 12 11 14 13 16 15 18 17 20 19 22 21 24 23 __ 2N 2N 1 f _ __ __ _c AngleandEMIShieldingType _c _c To Digital Board Assy Power Signal 806 7_T 100n F 805 804 lOOnF lOOnF 16V NO 9VB 9VA USA STD power KOR B power C502 lOnF L504 F C516 820pF aSS340 DCDC Converter for Power...

Page 68: ..._ _ 12S DATA NTSC c MSP4440G_QA_C 12_500 Sound Processor 1204 002179 z D I z o 11 Q21 C631 C634 1oa_ 1oon_ _OV 25V __ z_ AUD CLOUT Z_ TAL I Z_Z_ A AI _ A AI A AI _WU_ _WU_ b 71 _ _ _ out sp_ x_ _v c_i_ c_i_ I STNRSI_ 5 V c_i_ _ i i_w _v Z DC NO SUFF c_s_ _v MO 5VB R_S AMP N R _R_55 100 GAIN1 SHUTDOWNn T_v I S14VB R 4 V91 1_ c_ ic_4 i_ c_1 c_ TPAS_IDIPWP _V I_ _p_ R_4 _ MO _V _V I_K M_ MO I 1_W g _...

Page 69: ... Low USA High l_ _ _ _ Port 2 0 Option B Product Ident DLP Low I_ I_ I_ I I Port 2 f Option C Pr oduct dent DL P L ow _ _T_ _T_ _ _ T_ _ _ T_ 2 5VA M1 I _P8_ P8 4p83 _p q P85 P8 6 PO Z VD92 S I YSS 1 VOD3 3 I CVBS VDDA2 5 VSSA I P2 S P2 P2 2 1 2 3 HS 8 YS P3 3 P3 2 P3 3 P3 1 P3 5 M 1 uCom IC705 SDA555X 8TP PO e 5VA_M1 _728 22K XRE_ _0c I sv B R905 A_Vl OK 8 _7_ _s_ s_ _ R757 _A_ DDP READY _7_ _W_O...

Page 70: ...R911 _ 0 IC713 MC74VHC244DTR2 J _ c Nii i4 16 01 5 I5 D2 1 __ I7 A Front IR LED PCB IR R811 1OK 1 16W IR _XRE_ D802 CDSSCS0GT 5VA BD71_ CIC2 CN17 C775 IOOnF CN18 LED2 O LED3 B Front IR LED PCB LED L LED1 XREF KEY1 _ KEY2 R812 0 SDA M1 l_t3_ SCLM1 L7 CABINET VW_AR RS RXO VV_ ANY RS TXD R922 0 C Side Key 12VB BD709 CIC21JBO1NE D Front KEY LED C779 25V 25V T_ C781 IOOnF 25V 70VB 5VA 12VB SOL M1 XREF ...

Page 71: ... R915 0 _sws OUTA _ CN29 FW20010 32 3 oo 55 7 5_ 5_ 51 oo o o _ _ oo o0 oo oo oo oo o o oo 00 o z 6 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 R3280 __TxDM RxDM SDA R599 SCL M5 nRESET SOUND nRESET ANALOG LAMP ERROR DDP READY POWERGOOD _ MICOM INIT nRESET nRESET DRV SYNCVAL D5 7V REG400 KIA78D05F O136 100nF 25V L402 CIC21J601NE i l_u _ C 369 C 364 F 100nF L_25v MATERIAL A5V BD1006 ClC21J601NE C1472 C156 10uF...

Page 72: ...17 _ 100 TS_ ERR RS41 _ 100 XTALON OFF 1 MTNRS_F RS43 0 DRX TU 33V hSOO _ C_C21J601NE ALPSN_M TUNER SEC N_M TUNER I OOB_PLL3 3V L211 I C_C21J601NE R_40 0 CRX LS02 C_C21J601NE MD3 3V CH1 25V 1 CH1 8V 1 I C_C21J601NE CH2 5V SEC POD TUNER SEC N_M TUNER 1 LS01 C_C21J601NE _cslo loo F STB5V L1001 ClC21J_OINE STB 5V STB5V OOB PLL3 3V _C67_ _ MD3 3V NEW ITEM CH2 5V 1 MD3 3V I F SECPOD_NER SECNIMTUNER E_ ...

Page 73: ...LC543 __ C542 10nF 00nF DELETE SOVBST IRIII _ 75 16V 1 16W S TU 5V 10K 1 16W R580 __ _ Q500 KSC1623 G _R576 0 _ I 16W e _x _TNR CVBS _R578 C P _K 1 16W D5 7V BD500 1C506 CIC213601NE KIA78D05F C520 100nF 25V MATERIAL S TU 5V C512 C514 25V MATERIAL Sub Tuner D4 7V REG_0_ APll17E25A 1 IN_c_33 IN iO 100nF 25V MO DELETE CH2 5V 2 l C534 C535 ZI 11_Ou_ i_On F D2 5V IC513 G953 t8T6U C539 1 _N_GG 100nF 25V...

Page 74: ...48_ I_OO_F _ F MO 74 101566 _v_o _2_vq F_o i _ __ P15 CAPC2 69 _0v ap50 v _ IC1216 00 _o P13 BIAS 66 O P12 _iii _ _a R374 C1495 _6w MAI N_Y _v_oo ADV7401BST 1 10 02 _ _72 TC1564 _R367 sov s SCL DDO_ SDA DDO_ RA1231 22 1 16W ADV M R 7 ADV M R 6 ADV M R 5 ADV M R 4 ADV M R 3 _ _ ADV M R 2 ADV M R 1 ADV M R 0_ RA1228 22 1 16W CAPY2 CAPY1 MAIN NT DECODER DGND AGND DVDD O AIN3 SDA2 AIN9 Pll AIN2 AINB p...

Page 75: ...6U 3 _ OUT G_D 2 100UF 100nF 10V 25V MO ADVD1 8V i D4 7V ADVD3 3V BUF D3 3V BD1009 ClC21J601NE IC1209 AP111_E 33 u 0145 01541 100nF 25V MATERIAL DNIE 3 3V TO DNIE Sheet15 _ BD1017 CIC21J601NE D4 7V ADVA3 3V ClC21J601NE C1210 AP _E 3 3 _oo C u_ 10 14 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 76: ... used without Samsung s authorization Power Signal x1_1_ H_MIS SClK HbMIS pATA HDMI DVCC1 8 D4 7V TMDS 3 3V TO TMDS Sheet17 t HDMI 3 3V HDMI 3 3V HDMI OVCC3 3 HDMI DACVCC33 HDMI REGVCC STB 5V HDMI 1 5V EEPROM STB 5V HDMI 2 5V t t HDMI 3 3V _o_ ___t it t HDMI 3 3V HDMI 1 5V HDMI 3 3V _ _ _ HDMI 2 5V HDMI 3 3V F _i_i_ HDMI 3 3V D2 5V NEW ITEM HDMI_1 8V D4 7V HDMI_1 8V I GMA 3 3V TO GM1601 Sheet15 HD...

Page 77: ...355 0 _ PC G PcGIN_ _W BD1036 R356 0 _ u u T77_ PC DDC SCL PC DDC SDA STB 5V PMLL4148 D123 _ TP2620 N o R1208 10K_ 1 16W R1205 10C _ _ TP2621 _ _VV _ R1206AA1 _0C0C 2 1 16Wvv D1201 CDS3C30GTH PC DDC VCC 1414 1 122 1_1200 _R1209 C836 _ 1171_W _010100 _ 2_OvF _2_ R817_ 1 16W I TMDS 3 3V TR1203 _4 ZK _l_ 1 16W _J 2N7002L Q1200 _1 TP2619 _ DDC EEPROM WP TMDS 3 3V BD400 I_ CLC21J601NE I czb c oo OuF 10...

Page 78: ...GEM 3 3V T GEM 5V LTC147 0S8 c_ _sp _ 2 USB vcc CHECK GEM 3 3V 1 1_w I IR HDMI CEC GEM_3 3V DELETE I HDMI CEC J GEM_3 3V GEM5V GEMSTAR IR lR_o2 _GEMSTAR TxD _a _GEMSTA R RxD _ _ANYNET TxD _ _ANYNET RxD GEMSTAR RxD _ _o_ 4 W_ i CN101 1 I 1_w GEM 3 3V _ RS232 TxD 1 1_w 0N203 IR OUT G Tx 3 3V G Rx 3 3V SamsungElectronics10 17 ...

Page 79: ...T C226 R237 1 16W 13 25V 100nF 100 s 12 R219 MO 25V R238 1 16W 4 11 2 2K MO 100 1 16W _oo7 _ _ow _o_o_ _00 0 _0_222 _vZ _OT 2 i i i i i i 220 1K 1 16W C214 100nF _lS 61sl_ _ _ _pp _ _l_l_lSlSlSlS 2 _lLl_la 614 CIC21J601NE _ O ccI cc I C217 100uF 10V p_ g o O3 o4 1394 MD3 3V _10_221_6o_N_ _002 o_ _voo 1 16w o OS2 Rg00 S3 1394S DATA 33 4 _ I 17 1 16W R903 33 12SSD OUTA _ f H _II_ F_ _ 1 16W 5 I _ 2_...

Page 80: ...10 Digital 10 This Document can not be used without Samsung s authorization Power Signal MD3 3V BD1033 ClC21J601NE POD 3 3V US_Olny_Page PoD vcc CHECK_V_ MD3 3V POD CARD 3 3V BDI032 MPZ2012S300A MOCLK SamsungElectronics 10 19 ...

Page 81: ...A12 M M_M A _ 1 D_ DO10 5_ M M_M DA AA10 M MBM A _ 11 5B M MBM DA AA9 M M_ 14 DO7 DQ8 1 NC NC_ VOOQ VSSQ M M_M S ROB _0 16 LDQS UDQS _ M M_M S ROB_A1 MENMREF _a VOO VREF M MBM DQMA0 2 LDM UDM _ M MBM DQMA1 2 M MBM W_ B 21 WB CK 46 M MBM nCLKA 100nF M MBM CAS_ 22 CAS CK 45 M MBM CLKA T 25V M MBM RASA 3 _S CKB 44 M MBM nCLKA Bn _ MO M MBM C_0 24 CS NC _J43 2_ NC A12 _42 M MBM AA12 M MBM AA14 26 BAO ...

Page 82: ...DELE FE FLEX DATAO 3 LITTLE ENDIANI 1 BIG ENDIAN FLEX DATA4 O ROMENABLE _ _O_ 0 S_ FLEX DATA 6 5 O_MIPS 011 x86 10 SH4 11 StrongAm_ FLEX DATA 8 TJ 0_ 01 Rese_ed 10 Peer 11 Peer FLEX DATA12 O set USB no power sw_ching bit on reset 1 reset USB no power switching b_ on reset FLEX DATA14 O MEM 128MB pcu 64MB _1 TV_ cu_J FLEX DA AO FLEX _A_A_ FLEX _A_A_ 1 1_W FLEX _A_A_ FLEX _A_A_ 1 1_W FLEX _A_A_ FLEX...

Page 83: ...Schematic Diagram 10 2 13 Digital 13 This Document can not be used without Samsung s authorization 1 _v o F T_ ATL MDS SV _W _TIJ_S _ FL_S_ M_S _ _ _ _ _ o_ C_2 7 _W MAIN _OM W_ 10 22 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 84: ...ion Power MD3 3V Signal ATI MD3 3V FLASH MD3 3V MD3 3V NEW ITEM ATL2 5V MD2 3V ATL 1 5V _t j NEW ITEM Pff91A i g _ 2g MD3 3V PLL1 8V MD3 3V IO1 8V IC511 2 215H31AGB11 ATL2 5V L1217 ClC21J6OINE Cla711_nF 2_VMO _VMU CIO8_ v_ _v_ _ _ IZ_ Schematic Diagram SamsungElectronics 10 23 ...

Page 85: ...GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND GND SC1 CLK SC2 CLK SC1 DATA SC2 DATA SC1SDRAM SC2 SDRAM i i i i R1_59 1 16W DNIE 3 3V R427 DN E4 OUTPUTPATH CURRENT CONTROLLER 0 R428 1 16W r 1AA _ R4 30 4 A A 0 0 A_A_A v 1 16W ___ o 1 16W R1258 R1256 R1255 1 1Ow 1 O6w 1 1Ow R1257 R1254 1 106W 1 106W DELETE DNle Y 0 7 _ AF21 AD20 AC20 AD19 AF19 AEI9 AE22 AC22 AClS AC14 AC11 ACS AC4 A_23 W4 T23 ...

Page 86: ...EU VBLU6 FSCAS vzo FSCASU Place close to GM16017 Loaded trace impedance with DDR load is 65 ohm for 2 5 inch total trace length VBLU7 FSRAS 1 24 FSRASU FSCKE W26 FSCKEU FSBKSEU Y2b FSBKSELU0 FSBKSEL I 26 FSBKSELU_ VCLK VODD VVS VHS CSYNC 22ohrnX12X4 VDVLBADC jN3 I A2AC _ GM PRO 0 7 VCLAMP GP O G06 B _412 GM PRO0 GPIO G06 B GM YO 0 7 PWM0 GP O G06 B PWM2PWM1 GP_O_ G063B GM PBO 0 7 OCM T MER1 C400 3...

Page 87: ..._ 680 L811 1 5uH TMDS TX2 TMDS TX2 TMDS TXI TMDS TX1 TMDS TX0 TMDS TXO 3 3V TMDS L810 C869 15uH GM PBO 0 7 GM YO 0 7 GM PRO 0 7 D5V D5V 3 3V_TMDS T T Z R615 100nF R629 1K 25V 47K 1 16W MATERIAL 1 16W LAMP TX SEL LAMP TXn _ 12 LAMP SEL R171 240 1 16W ___________________ 1_ 628 1 16w _ LAMp TXn 1 R614 lOO 1 16W LAMP RX R170 100 TMDS TX0 TMDS _ TMDS TXI TMDS TX1 TMDS TX2 _ _ TMDSTX2 SYNCVAL nRESET DR...

Page 88: ... v_ 16W R1311 4 7 7K PCA9545PW SY RESET SCL 18 INTO lINT 7 H ADDR 0xE4 GEM 3 3V For TEST US DELETE GEM 5V R676 R683 R685 1 16W 1 16W _ 1 16W L602 C1308 CIC21J601 NE R1320 l_nF s I N7002L mew 1oo R1300 SDA M L 1_ 0OR1307_C_ PC _ ONE PIN NET 47 1 16W _5pF tC662 RDA PC ROM ONE PIN NET IC605 Mo50V _OV 2_ RCI NDMI ROM ONE PiN NET KIA7_F _T 12MHz SOppm 0207 C668 C620 0 _ C66 SSC9428X35 SOT8 R677 HDMI I ...

Page 89: ...P__ESE_Z __SYSRSTZ DOT3 3V DDP_P_ROOOD O_n _ nst_lt J i L _N_s0o_ T _ _ _ors tv IN_SOA IC103 0_26 L104 AT24CO2N lOSC 108n I 5uH _v _ J 4_ k 0127 I J Icl lOuF 1 16V 7777 DOT3 3V DOT3 3V DUAl ENDED OUIPJI FOR 1088P NODEI 0118 0118 0128 0121 77 7 15pF 15pf 15pF 15pF 8FI88 SF1O2 snd_ rig er SFlSq 8F186 snd3inger gF181 SF183 snd Fin let l SF185 Schematic Diagram SamsungElectronics 10 28 ...

Page 90: ...ic Diagram 10 3 2 DMD 2 This Document can not be used without Samsung s authorization M FLOATA 01 _ _ _ _ _u _ _ _ _ _ NN_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2o L IC200 DDP1011 MAS FER o_ iiiii 10 29 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 91: ...ematic Diagram 10 3 3 DMD 3 This Document can not be used without Samsung s authorization s FLOATA O 1_ _ ii _ _ _ _ sz_v NN_ _ _ _ s RQ O _ s OQA O _ s OQB O S IC310 DDP1011 SLAVE SamsungElectronics 10 30 ...



Page 94: ..._LI VB_ASaa_h0 VRS_RA_L0 VB_AS VRST _ VB_ASSWL VRST SWL 10 VB_ASLH_ 8588588S8 C714 1oo _ soy 0ohm VCC2 c662 c663 1 w 1425 V 825v 76 13 VRST R609 _IA 1 4w 5 CZ0_ CZ07 50V 50V B_08 C_C21JT01NE C_A_ _ 0734 100 F 25V IC605 SNZ4LVCI GI 7 77 DGT5V _ c717 _ _ _ DGT12V _ _ 12_OnF 11_vF 12_0v F L I to o 1 R0 0R0 0 0720 0721 0722 100 _ _ 10_F 100Koh e2K _ MOTOR DRIVER __l _ _ 1 _ _ I 1 m _ _ J luF 3 3nF 1 5...

Page 95: ...Tg_768 DGT3 3V DGT5V C755 C756 DDP CWINDEX 100nF 10uF LAMP CONTROL 1P769 DGT5V Fc752 MM74HCT125M _C753 74HC71G12_GV DGT5V BD751 C_C21J601NE C767 10 F LAMP RX For BalJaster by PhiJips OSRAM ARM ICE I F Main Power DGT3 3V R751 IK_ m IKoh IK_ _ TDOARM L_ FCE RSTZ R759 1K_hm 1 10W DGT33V TP TMS7_ TP TDOT_ TP TCK DGT12V DGT5V DGT3 3V DGT2 5V DGT1 5V c758 c759 c76o c762 L751 _ 82vF 82UvF _ s BZXS4CgV2 _...

Page 96: ... 7 D DN 10 D CN 8 D DN 9 D CN 9 D DN 8 D CN 10 D DN 7 D CN 11 D DN 6 D CN 12 D DN 5 D CN 13 D DN 4 D CN 14 D DN 3 D CN 15 D DN 2 D CP 0 D DN I D CP 1 D DN 0 D CP 2 DCP 15 D CP 3 D CP 14 D CP 4 DCP 13 D CP 5 DCP 12 D CP 6 DCP 11 D CP 7 D CP I 0 D_CP 8 D_CP 9 This Document can not be used without Samsung s authorization G5 E3 AD2 SCTRLDP DMD VCC SCTRLDN _ E_ SCTRLCP SCTRLCN SCTRLBP I SCTRLBN F_q 9_ ...

Page 97: ...YD V_EFOBi C_K_ _v_o CLK_ _V_OL_ K_ T_n_ lors p _11n P_S OUT_ _LKIIo LB DUTn TLK 12p _LLB OUTOp Domino mLB_OUT8_ oJ l_ PLL__F_ CLKI 3 F_L F_ CLK 15_ I LS_DUT Io ___ 15o _LS_OUT _n FCLA3 mt 5 ot Te_ _c_KI _LL_O_en CLK2 P L5 F_ _cc 3 PtLSF_ rCCK_ rC_7 FCLK5 fCLKS VCORE VCORE VCORE VCORE VCORE VCORE T T T T _25 Lg0o 901 902 L903 5uH _ 5uH C90 C98 99 920 92 922 C924 _1_ DGT313V DGT3 3V n_ _ t l D_ l r...


Page 99: ... VSSQ VDDQ DQ17 DQ30 DQ18 DQ29 VDDQ VSSQ DQ19 DQ28 DQ20 DQ27 VSSQ VDDQ DQ21 DQ26 DQ22 DQ25 VDDQ VSSQ DQ23 DQ24 VDD VSS ADQ 14 RAMA CLK ADQ 31 ADQ 28 DGT3 3V Ll101 1 5uH Cl112 Cl113 Cl114 Cl115 Cl116 Cl117 Cl118 Cl119 Cl120 Cl121 Cl122 Cl123 J 10uF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 100nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF 10nF BDQ 0 31 RAMB WEZ RAMBCASZ RAMBRASZ RAMB OSZ BP0m_ _BDQ_I_ RAM B_A 0 12 1 2 3 5 IC1101 K4S64...

Page 100: ...Schematic Diagram 10 4 Power This Document can not be used without Samsung s authorization J pc t _u7 seo csee 4 pv i I 500V iO 10 39 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 101: ...W 12VB MP1583DN lOnF 1 _ BOI02 lC21JB81NE _ D102 m 08 Oils 48115 611g 82uF 188nF 18V _I_V C I I I _ lOOKohrn 108_F R 0 q 16v _ IOKo_ I v t ILl i TMo t 7 7 12VB 5VA D 18 CZ1JBO1N_ o _ _ gi F T 5V 777 _EMP_ERR 1 5VB 2 SVB 82UF 63V 12VB 12VB 8181 C18Z 18uF IeOnF 1BV 25V SP_OUT_P PIG7 sP OUT P _ u_OUT _ I TP189 DLOU 12VB 12VB 1P18q_P1 5 7 4 f 2 TPl12 TPl13 OND GND SMW2OOmgP CN102 5VA 5VB T LC128 188nF...

Page 102: s authorization Ri_4 iK d _ _0W CHIP i w_i All5 IK d 1 i0W CHZP AS _6 IK J _ _OW CHIP Aii7 1K d _ IOW CHIP Q_02 _ KSC_623 G SO 23 Of 03 r_ cl H Lr zesq Cd rT E zoO KSC_B23 G ISOT 23 Qt04 KSC623G SOT 23 E Q105 _ KSCSB23G SOT 23 E Y B 5 _ 4 s _ J _ ocq 10 41 SamsungElectr0nics ...

Page 103: ...Schematic Diagram 10 7 RMC This Document can not be used without Samsung s authorization f _ J _ I0 i _ t V I i i i i i i f i _ v f i i i SamsungElectronics 10 42 ...

Page 104: ...een menu Press to raiseor lower the volume and to select items when using the on screen menu Press to change channels and move between items on the on screen menu Press to activate or change a particular item 11 1 2 Side Panel Jacks Usethe rightside paneljacks to connecta componentthat is usedonly occasionally a camcorderor videogame for example Connectthe video signal from a camcorder or video ga...

Page 105: ... automatically appearin about 15seconds Auto TimerON OFFhas beensetandthe setwill automaticallybe turnedon in about _ 25 seconds D A coolingfan insidethe set is not operatingnormally D Lampcoveronthe rearof the setis not properlyshut Checkif the ventilationholeon the rearof the setis blocked becauseif the inner D temperatureis too high the powerwill shutoff D Lampmaybe defective Ittakes about30sec...

Page 106: ...he DVlaudiooutputjackof anexternaldevice Anynet Pleasereferto the AnynetOwner sInstruction Thisjack is for connectingto otherSamsungAnynet enabled devices RS232C Connectto a computerfor readingand loadingdatainformation 11 DIGITAL AUDIO OUT OPTICAL jack Connectto a DigitalAudioComponent 12 PC VIDEO INPUT jack Connecttheseto the videooutputjack onyour PC 13 HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface...

Page 107: ...3 PRE CH Tunes to the previous channel 14 SOURCE Press to display all of the available video sources i e TV Set Top Box VCR DVD DTV PC 15 CH PAGE A v Press to change channels Moves from one set of screen information to the next in the TV Guide On ScreenTM PIP PictureIn Picture Displays the available channels in sequence These buttons change channels in the PIP window only PIP When in the TV Guide ...

Page 108: ...upport 1394b Majormanufacturers of multimediadeviceshavebeenadoptingthe D Net IEEE1394 technology D Net IEEE1394 speedsupthe movementof multimediadata andlargefiles andenableseasyconnectionof digitalconsumer products including digitalvideotapes digitalvideodisks set topboxes Other 1394 Device I 1394 Monitor Digital VCR Im Key Features RealTimeAudio VideoTransmission MPEG 2 HighspeedDataTransmissio...

Page 109: ...ideoWindowletsviewersmonitorthe lastchanneltunedwhileviewingprogramlistings or previewchannelsas they pagethroughlistings Color coded programgenreshelpviewersquicklyidentifymovies sports and children sprogramming SearchFeature Viewerscan searchfor programsby categoriessuchas HDTV movies sportsor children sshows Withincategories viewers can sort by showtype suchas baseballorfootball Viewerscan sort...

Page 110: ... 1 B tel Thethird value of the C_e defin_ h the command _ist Heyadedmal Va _ I1 Byte _n ut_m etef for the _mm_d _fault 0 H_dmal BS 1 Byte Checksum theZs oum_t_ mer_ of the sumd _t t_ values _t fat_he CB vs _ Sequence PC Creates a command pack_et and co_ds it through RS2_2C _ BLP DTv Receives a packe_ and parses t_ packeL Detetroir_es whether if is a sucttess or fai aRd frar_sroits _he Ask p_ket to...

Page 111: ...over Cover TH B M4 L15 BLK SWRCH18A Terminal Remove 5 screws to remove the Terminal Board Board The 3 Terminal Board Screws TH B M4 L15 BLK SWRCH18A The 3 Jack Screws RH B M4 L15 ZPC BLK SWRCH18 DVI cable Separate the DVI cable The DVI screw is made of soft plastic and may easily break when applying excessive force through a screw driver Ensure that extreme caution is taken when loosening the scre...

Page 112: ...embly Part Name Terminal Board Holder Chassis Analog Board _ Remove the screw WSP PH M4 L12 ZPC YEL SM10C _ Pull out the holder Chassis Seperate the Gt wires iiii_ _ ii_iiii _ Seperate the cables 12 2 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 113: ...hould be removed by holding the two lock ends of the cable as failing to do so could damage the connector _1 Remove the 5 screws and separate Fan cable CN275 Detach Analog board from Assy PWH B M3 L10 ZPC YEL SWROH18A Remove both the connector and the screws before removing the fan Then remove the fan from the holder chassis PWH B M3 L10 ZPC YEL SWROH18A Analog Digital Board and Fan SamsungElectro...

Page 114: ...and replacing _ Remove 2 standoffs from the DVI connector StandOff M3 L5 Ni PLT SUM24L 4 40 2 Remove 2 standoffs from the PC connector _ Remove the screws and cables PWH B M3 L10 ZPC YEL SWRCH18A The 30 pin shield cable should be removed by holding the two lock ends of the cable as failing to do so could damage the connector _ After Removing the Top Shield Case Use the two lock holes on either sid...

Page 115: ...Disassembly Reassembly Part Name Digital Board _ Removethe screwsbeforeremovingthe shieldcaseat the bottom PWH B M3 L10 ZPC YEL SWROH18A _ Digital Board SamsungElectronics 12 5 ...

Page 116: ... the bracket Engine TH B M4 L15 BLK SWRCH 18A 2 The connector from the Power Supply to the Ballast has to be removed before the Light Engine can be taken out of the unit _ Remove the engine by pulling it out of the cabinet jR Be careful when removing the Light Engine as it may get caught up by the upper cable of the case 12 6 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 117: ...lly before disconnecting the cables Notice Wear gloves when handling the power board as there may be some remaining electrical charge in the capacitors Specifically avoid touching any part of the capacitors Afterremovingthe screws separatethe bottompowerbraket PWH B M3 L10 ZPC YEL SWROH18A i iiii i iiii ii i SamsungElectronics 12 7 ...

Page 118: ...kt Screen Right Screen _1Cover Front s lowerdepartmentpullto fore endand remove J Thereis noScrewconclusionplace State that Cover Front is detached Separate Brkt Screen Top and Right after remove 6 screws indicating in picture TH M4 L12 YELLOW _1 Separate Screen 12 8 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 119: ...nquality electricshockor fire 4 Do not placethe old lampnearflammableobjectsor withinthe reachof children 5 Besureto connectthisTV directlyto anAC wall outlet Ifthe TV sAC plugis connectedto a cable boxor othersource it will not allowfor propercool downtime Part Name Description DescriptionPhoto Lamp Unplug the TV then use a screwdriver to remove the 4 screws WSP PH M4 L12 ZPC YEL SM 10C Remove th...

Page 120: ...Disassembly Reassembly Part Name Lamp _ Separate the Lamp from the engine by holding the handle and pulling it out To reinstall the Lamp follow these steps in reverse order 12 10 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 121: ...refering to lamp replacement 12 8page Remove the ballast power cable _ Remove the Ballast SCI cable _ Removethe twoscrewsat the HolderBallast PWH B M3 L10 ZPC YEL SWROH18A _ Pull out the Ballast assembly Replace it with a new one and re assemble it in the reverse order SamsungElectronics 12 11 ...

Page 122: ...y Replacement Part Name Color Wheel _1Remove2 screwsto removethe colorwheelcover WSP PH M3 L8 ZPC YEL SW Remove two cables at the DMD Board Remove 2 screws PWH B M3 L10 ZPC YEL SWRCH18A Disassemble the color wheel assembly 12 12 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 123: ...Disassembly Reassembly Part Name Color Wheel _1 Replace it with a new color wheel and rubber assembly Notice Never touch the color wheel Touch only the cover assembly SamsungElectronics 12 13 ...

Page 124: 12 1 9 Actuator Smooth Picture Replacement PartName Actuator i Remove the cable at the Actuator i Remove screws 3ea at the Actuator cover BH M3 L16 ZPC YEL SWROH i Replace it with a new actuator 12 14 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 125: ... Replacement i PartName Description Description Photo Remove the at the cable Dynamic Black _ Remove screw 2ea WSP BH M3 L16 ZPC YEL SWRCH i Disassembly Dynamic Black assembly i Replace it with new Dynamic Black assembly SamsungElectronics 12 15 ...

Page 126: ...improvedDNleimageis sentto the DMDengineboard Thefinal data by DNleis processedin DDP1011of the DMDboardto displaythe imageonthe DMD panel Thisimageis created by the lightof the lampthroughthe colorwheelwhichis enlargedandprojectedonto the screen Thisis the DLPof the L7 or L8typethatthe actuatoroperatesadditionally duringthis process The powerterminalgeneratesthe DC powerneededfor the productandse...

Page 127: ...801SandT801Sthat suppliesvariousvoltagesincludingD12V A6 5V 14 5V T30Vand A65V 3 SMPSOperation 1 SMPSSystem UsesFly Backtechnologyfor both standbyandmultipower 2 Operation Fly Backis oneof the mostpopularpower supply systemsand useslesspowerthan 200Was wellas beingthe cheapestof all multioutputSMPSsystems Let shavea lookat howit operates a Converts AC input intoDO HOT rectifiesto DS801beforesmooth...

Page 128: ...0V OPTION Korea AC220V OPTION The others ACl00V AC240V OPTION 2 Outputvoltage D12V 2 5A 12V 3 3V 1 8V For signalprocessing A6 5V 1A Fordrivingthetuner 14 5V 4A For drivingsound processor T30V 5mA Fordrivingthe tuner A65V 30mA Fordrivingthe actuator SamsungElectronics 13 3 ...

Page 129: ...rovement algorithmto implementnaturalcolors II Tuner TwoHDtuners eachtakingthe roleof the analogtuner II HDMI Receives one inputsignalandtransfersit to X226in 24 bits II Others Anynetimplementation OpticalPowerPort USBUpdatePort notavailablefor MP3 The L8HDdigitalboardcontainstwo HDtunersto implementanalogas well as digitalsignalsfromair cablebroadcasting It decodesY PBPR CVBS Y C SUPER and HDMIin...

Page 130: ...n L Rout Amp ln dR Gain0 Gain1 m AnalogVideoSignalProcessing m SelectSound Video Oneis selectedfrommultipleinputsby the switchingID MICOMdecideswhichportis usedfor output For broadcasting signals sub outputs are transferredin CVBSand the mainoutputsinY C throughthe 3D Comb to the digital board Soundsignalsareselectedby the switchingIC of whichonly oneinput is transferredto the speaker m DetectionS...

Page 131: ... ODD _ _ Lvds Bus SLave A B i on i Confgura EEPROM _ _ r __ _ _ _100Mhz Rambus J _ LM 393 F t A89O4 p _ Lamp En Lamp Litz CW Index et II Controlsthe lamp ON OFF II Drivesthe colorwheelmotor II Drivesthe panel II Controlsthe sensors 3 3 V output _ 1 VCM Actuator _ I DB Actuator Detector Circuit I 24 P con 13 6 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 132: ...ur with intervals of less than 26mm it means that more than two pins have bad connections Bi i 16 i_i iiiiii DA DB output wave Screen WHITE P6 ii i_i _ii i ii_ii_iiii _i _ i ii _ _iiiiii i_ i i ii i i_ _iiiiii i_ i i ii i i_ m m m m m iiiiif_iii iiiii _ i i i i _i i i i _iiiiii _ ili i iii i_i i ii i ii m m i i ii iiiii l i _il i m ii_iii _ii il i iiiil _ i i i iii iiii_iii i iiiii_ii il iiiiii_ii...

Page 133: ...o operate the 2 suppliedto the 0N105 terminal motor t 3 2 4 t When the powerkey is pressedvia the remotecontrol the micomof the analogboard outputshigh 5V PWRsignals The powerboardoperatesnormally 5V and 12Vare suppliedto the DMD 0N105 terminal The MTRResetsignalis suppliedto the R161 terminalof the motor IC101fromthe micom on the digitalboard and thenthe motorstartsto drive If the colorwheel rota...

Page 134: ... TSB43DA42A IEEE1394Interface GemstarEPG YamuMICOM 3P8OB5X IRBlaster 3 AnalogBoard VideoSwitch TEA6425 SGS Thomson VideoSwitchICfor TV 3 AudioSwitch TEA6422 SGS Thomson AudioSwitchICfor TV 3D Comb uD64083 NEC 3 Dimensional Y CSeparationLSI SoundModule MSP4440 Micronas Multistandard SoundProcessorWithTruSorround XT SoundAMP TPA3001D TI 1ChannelDigitalAudioPowerAmplifier 2 Micom SDA55xx Micronas Mic...

Page 135: ...visualqualitydue to an attenuationof the signal Thereis norecommendation for the cable lengthat present In general althougha cablelengthof up to 5 metersshouldwork pleasecheckif videois properlydisplayedonthe screenafterconnecting If you thinkthe lengthof the cable is longer than for normaluse checkthevisualqualityof the videoon the screenandshortenthe length if necessary Thisalso appliesto the PC...

Page 136: ...ectratio to normal 4 3 or wide 21 9 the left andright ortop and bottomof the picturewill not be displayed Thissymptomappearsinother manufacturer s TV s The threeappliancecompaniesaretryingto resolvethe problemthrough the Ministryof Information andCommunication II Changingthe Orderof 4 3 1 the PictureSizefor 16 9DisplayDevices Panorama h L Zoom2 Panorama E _ 16 9 Panorama Zoom1 II Changingthe Order...

Page 137: ...heTV DVl ICable Oneof the DVIcablesthatcantransferbothdigitalandanalog signals Satellite Broadcasting Thisusesa satellitesystemto supporta maximumof 100 channelsincludingair servicesand provideshighquality picturesanywherein the country evenin poorreceptionareas A set topbox unbundled is requiredto watchsatellite broadcasting Closed Broadcasting OtherthanVHFand UHF this includesmovies entertainmen...

Page 138: ...nformation S video Terminal Thisis called Super video dividedinto videoandcolorsig nalsfor sharperimagedisplay VHF UHF VHFrefersto the 2 13channelsystem UHFindicatesthe 14 69 channelsystem 14 4 SamsungElectronics ...

Page 139: ...ThisServiceManualis a propertyof SamsungElectronics Co Ltd Any unauthorized useof Manualcan bepunishedunderapplicable International and ordomesticlaw Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Jul 2005 Printed in Korea AA82 02861A ...
