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Claim(s) For Warranty Service
To obtain a Warranty service, you must:
• Contact the Samsung Support hotline on 0843 596 2982 (UK) / 0818 717100 (ROI)
• Provide the full product model code and serial number
• Provide proof of activated extended warranty and proof of annual maintenance contract as per
the e-mail confirmation sent at the time of online warranty registration(s)
• Provide a clear fault description and carry out any diagnostics as advised
• Comply with any reasonable instructions from Samsung or an Authorised Service Centre to
allow you to receive the warranty service
Transfer Of Product
If you transfer this product to another user, warranty service may be available to that user during the
remainder of the standard 24 month warranty period, but not during any extended warranty period
(i.e. the extended warranty is not transferrable).
Samsung makes no representation or guarantee that the Samsung product(s) will operate uninter
rupted or error free.
During the Extended Warranty Period, Samsung will only provide the Warranty in the UK and ROI.
Samsung is not responsible for paying any travel or delivery costs where the product is located
outside the UK or ROI.
Services performed by Samsung in rectifying damage or defect caused as a result of any excluded
conditions shall be subject to additional charges for labour, transportation and parts.
The Extended Warranty is only available if you have an ongoing maintenance contract in place with
a maintenance provider approved by Samsung, under which the product(s) must be checked at
least once a year by that maintenance provider.
Warranty Service is not available to you if the product you present is:
• Defaced
• Altered
• Damaged beyond repair, or
• In need of a repair not included in Warranty service.
(e.g Periodic Maintenance, consumable replacement and the repair or replacement of parts
due to normal wear and tear) transportation damage, or any other damage caused by external
factors (i.e. not damage caused by issues inherent in the manufacturing of the product)
• Does not match Product Model and serial number details as registered for Warranty service