Monitor mobile data
You can customize your mobile data access by setting limits and restrictions.
From Settings, tap
Data usage
. The following options are
Mobile data
: Turn on mobile data services.
International data roaming
: Enable mobile data services while roaming
Mobile data usage
: View data usage over mobile connections over a period of
time. You can view total usage as well as usage by app.
Billing cycle and data warning
: Set the day of the month to start the bill
cycle for your device.
Use these features to stay within your data plan and avoid overage fees
or throttling (slower speeds).
Monitor Wi-Fi data
You can restrict Wi-Fi data access by customizing usage limits and networks.
From Settings, tap
Data usage
. The following options are
Wi-Fi data usage
: View data usage over Wi-Fi connections over a period of
time. You can view total usage as well as usage by app.
Restrict networks
: Select networks to prevent apps that are running in the
background from using them.
Airplane mode
Airplane mode disconnects your device from all networks and turns off connectivity
1. From Settings, tap
Airplane mode
2. Tap
to enable this feature.