General Terms and Conditions of Service
Rules & Procedures (the “JAMS Rules”), as
modified by this agreement to arbitrate,
including the rules about the filing,
administration, discovery and arbitrator fees.
The JAMS rules are available on its website
at jamsadr.com. Notwithstanding any JAMS
Rule to the contrary or any other provision in
arbitration rules chosen, by agreement, to
govern the arbitration, we each agree that all
issues regarding the Dispute are delegated
to the arbitrator to decide, except that only a
court (and not the arbitrator) shall decide any
disagreements regarding the scope and
enforceability of this agreement to arbitrate.
(2) The Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”)
applies to this Agreement and arbitration
provision. We each agree that the FAA’s
provisions—not state law—govern all
questions of whether a Dispute is subject to
arbitration. To the extent that this agreement
to arbitrate conflicts with the JAMS Policy on
Consumer Arbitrations Pursuant to Pre-
Dispute Clauses Minimum Standards for
Procedural Fairness (the “Minimum
Standards”), the Minimum Standards in that
regard will apply. However, nothing in this
paragraph will require or allow you or Sprint
to arbitrate on a class-wide, representative or
consolidated basis.
(3) The arbitrator may award declaratory or
injunctive relief only in favor of the individual
party seeking relief and only to the extent
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