Adobe RGB is used for commercial printing and has a larger color range
than sRGB. Its wider range of colors helps you to easily edit photos on a
AEB (Auto Exposure Bracket)
This feature automatically captures several images at different exposures
to help you capture a properly-exposed image.
AEL (Auto Exposure Lock)
This feature helps you lock the exposure on which you want to calculate
the exposure.
AF (Auto Focus)
A system that automatically focuses the camera lens on the subject.
Your camera uses the contrast to focus automatically.
AMOLED (Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode) /
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
AMOLED is a visual display that is very thin and light, as it does not
need backlighting. LCD is a visual display commonly used in consumer
electronics. This display needs a separate backlight, such as CCFL or
LED, to reproduce colors.
The aperture controls the amount of light that reaches the camera’s
Camera shake (Blur)
If the camera is moved while the shutter is open, the entire image may
appear blurred. This occurs more often when the shutter speed is slow.
Prevent camera shake by raising the sensitivity, using the flash, or using
a faster shutter speed. Alternatively, use a tripod or the OIS function to
stabilize the camera.
Color space
The range of colors that the camera can see.
Summary of Contents for EVNX200ZBSBUS
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