Reference Information
Samsung Electronics
14-2-3 Detailed Feature
As the storage capacity increases, the DVD-Video separates the main data and the additional data such as the
Multi-Function into different data areas, enabling the control of time-data ratio to provide the format that enables
the flexible Software development
1 Movie (3.5Mbps)
+ Subtitle (1 Language)
+ Surround Audio (1 Language)
= 160min storage (4.673Gbytes)
1 Movie (3.5Mbps)
+ Subtitle (4 Language)
+ Surround Audio (4 Language)
= 160min storage (4.680Gbytes)
1 Music Video (4Mbps)
+ 2ch High quality Audio (96kHz/24bit)
= 72min storage (4.648Gbytes)
DVD-Video Feature 1
When Developing the DVD Software, various addition and modification is possible.
DVD-Video uses the variable compresion technology, the MPEG-2 to compress the moving image optimally, mini-
mizing the Data loss to Provide a clear, natural screen while increasing the storage time.
DVD-Video Feature 2
Application of the MPEG-2 compression technology.
MPEG-2 (Variable compression : Max. 1/40)
Field unit compression.
Compression rate change according to the amount of Data.
Differentiates the still image and the moving image
compression rate, reducing Data loss and enables
efficient compression.
MPEG-1 (Fixed compression : Max. 1/140)
Frame unit compression.
• Compresses all data using the same ratio.
- Fast movements are jagged, and unnatural
Amount of data
Amount of data
Loss area