Alignment & Adjustment
Samsung Electronics
3-5 Replacements & Calibration
3-5-1 Adjusting the Focus
Since the S63A chassis has a built-in dynamic focus circuit, take care when adjusting the focus. When the CRT PCB, FBT or
CRT has been replaced, the focus has to be adjusted according to the following procedures.
1. Display the CROSS Hatch pattern.
2. Set the Screen Adjustment to "View as Standard".
3. Turn the Static Focus VR clockwise to the maximum position.
(End of clockwise direction)
4. Turn the Dynamic Focus VR counter clockwise to the maximum position.
(End of counter clockwise direction)
5. Slowly turn the Static Focus VR counter clockwise so that the center vertical line
is the most clearly displayed.
6. Slowly turn the Dynamic Focus VR clockwise so that the 2nd line is the most clearly
7. Check the entire screen focus and repeat steps 3 to 6, if necessary.