Chapter 2
AceLink ADSL Modem Setup
Fix the narrow grooves into the
protrusion on the backside first.
Protrusion on the back
2. Assembling the supporter
Locate AceLink ADSL modem in a flat surface away from direct sunlight. It
is also necessary to put AceLink ADSL modem in a place close to the cable
outlet or cable splitter for easier connection of cables. Then fix the stand
holder into the AceLink ADSL modem as following:
There is a small protrusion at the lower right part on the front side (on
which SAMSUNG logo is printed) of the AceLink ADSL modem. Also,
there is another one at the lower left part on the backside of the
AceLink ADSL modem. First, fix the protrusion on the backside of the
AceLink ADSL modem into the narrow groove of the stand holder.
Figure 2-5 Fixing the protrusion on the front to the groove of the stand holder
Next, adjust the middle of the stand holder to the hollow part under the
AceLink ADSL modem. Then, press the middle of the stand holder.
Figure 2-6 Press the stand holer to the AceLink ADSL modem
Press the middle of the stand holder.