Samsung AC JNCDEH Series Manual Download Page 11




Select the insulation of the refrigerant pipe. 



Insulate the gas side and liquid side pipe referring to the thickness according to the pipe size.



Indoor temperature of 30 °C and humidity of 85 % is the standard condition.
If installing in a high humidity condition, use one grade thicker insulator by referring to the table below.
If installing in an unfavorable conditions, use thicker one.



Insulator’s heat-resistance temperature should be more than 120 °C. 


Pipe size

Insulation Type (Heating/Cooling)


Standard [30 °C, 85 %]

High humidity [30 °C, over 85 %]


Liquid pipe

Ø 6.35 ~ Ø 9.52

9 t 

9 t 

Internal temperature 

is higher than 120 °C

Ø 12.7 ~ Ø 19.05

13 t 

13 t 

Gas pipe

Ø 6.35

13 t 

19 t 

Ø 9.52

19 t 

25 t 

Ø 12.70 
Ø 15.88
Ø 19.05



When installing insulation in places and conditions below, use the same insulation that is used for high humidity 
<Geological condition>

 - High humidity places such as shoreline, hot spring, near lake or river, and ridge (when the part of the building is 

covered by earth and sand.)

<Operation purpose condition>

 - Restaurant ceiling, sauna, swimming pool etc.

<Building construction condition>

 - The ceiling frequently exposed to moisture and cooling is not covered.

e.g. The pipe installed at a corridor of a dormitory and studio or near an exit that opens and closes frequently.

 - The place where the pipe is installed is highly humid due to the lack of ventilation system.


Install the insulation not to get wider and use the adhesives on the connection part of it to prevent moisture from 


Wind the refrigerant pipe with insulation tape if it is exposed to outside sunlight.


Install the refrigerant pipe respecting that the insulation does not get thinner on the bent part or hanger of pipe. 


Add the additional insulation if the insulation plate gets thinner.

Additional insulation


Insulated refrigerant pipe






Summary of Contents for AC JNCDEH Series

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Page 2: ...stalledinareasusedforlaundry f f Donotusetheunitsifdamaged Ifproblemsoccur switchtheunitoffanddisconnectitfromthepowersupply f f Inordertopreventelectricshocks firesorinjuries alwaysstoptheunit disabletheprotectionswitchandcontactSAMSUNG stechnical supportiftheunitproducessmoke ifthepowercableishotordamagedoriftheunitisverynoisy f f Alwaysremembertoinspecttheunit electricconnections refrigeranttub...

Page 3: ...ationofanyotherdomesticapplianceconnectedtothesameelectriclines f f Alwaysverifythatthecut offandprotectionswitchesaresuitablydimensioned f f Verifythattheairconditionerisconnectedtothepowersupplyinaccordancewiththeinstructionsprovidedinthewiringdiagram includedinthemanual f f Alwaysverifythatelectricconnections cableentry sectionofleads protections arecompliantwiththeelectricspecificationsand wit...

Page 4: ...f Pre planforeasyandshortroutingoftherefrigeranttubingandwiringtotheoutdoorunit f f Thereshouldbenoflammablegas alkaline substancespresentintheair f f Avoidlocationwhereobstaclespreventinggoodaircirculationarepresent f f Noisepreventionshouldbeconsideredindeterminingtheunit slocation f f Thestructure wheretheunitistobeinstalledshouldbestrongenoughtosupporttheweightoftheunit f f Rigidwallwithoutvib...

Page 5: ...uidpipeconnection ø9 52 3 8 2 Gaspipeconnection ø15 88 5 8 3 Drainpipeconnection ODø25 IDø20 Model Dimension A B AC JNCDEH 1650 1598 AC JNCDEH1 1350 1298 A B 0100 235 110 125 1 260 66 134 3 90 156 675 3 028 042 2 Dimensionoftheindoorunit ...

Page 6: ...indoorunit Forproperdrainageofcondensate givea2 Thegapbetweenthe lowerendoftheindoorunitandtheceilingshouldbe23mmor more slanttothesideoftheunitwhichwillbeconnectedwiththe drainhoseasshowninthefigure NOTE Ensurethattheceilingisstrongenoughtosupporttheweightof theindoorunit Beforehangingtheunit testthestrengthofeachattached suspensionbolt Installthedrainhosefromtherearoftheunit CAUTION Givea1 slant...

Page 7: ...rewsfromthebothof sides andthendisassembletheCase sides orelsethecase sidewillbe damagedbydisassemblingitdirectly 5 ReassembletheCase sides tighteningthescrewsafterhangingtheset Unscrewtwoscrewsfromthebothofsides RemovetheCase sidesfromthebothofsides ...

Page 8: ...ers 2 Removethepinchpipeonthepipesandconnecttheassemblypipes toeachpipe tighteningthenuts firstmanuallyandthenwithatorque wrench aspannerapplyingthefollowingtorque OuterDiameter D Torque N m ø6 35mm 14 18 ø9 52mm 34 42 ø12 70mm 49 61 ø15 88mm 68 82 ø19 05mm 100 120 Mustapplyrefrigerantoilontheflaringareatopreventaleak NOTE 3 Besurethattheremustbenocrackorkinkonthebendedarea Ifnecessary therightsid...

Page 9: ...eandmodifytheflare OuterDiameter D Depth A ø6 35mm 1 3mm ø9 52mm 1 8mm ø12 70mm 2 0mm ø15 88mm 2 2mm ø19 05mm 2 2mm Pipe Flare 5 Checkthattheflaringiscorrect referringtotheillustrationsbelowforexamplesofincorrectflaring Uneven Thickness Cracked DamagedSurface Inclined Correct Outerdiameter D mm Connectiontorque N m Flaredimension L mm Flareshape mm Ø6 35 14 18 8 7 9 1 L D 90 2 45 2 R0 4 0 8 Ø9 52 ...

Page 10: ...checkedthattherearenoleaksinthesystem you caninsulatethepipingandhose 1 Toavoidcondensationproblems placeAcrylonitrileButadienRubber separatelyaroundeachrefrigerantpipe 2 Windinsulatingtapearoundthepipesanddrainhoseavoidingto compresstheinsulationtoomuch 3 Finishwrappinginsulatingtapearoundtherestofthepipesleadingto theoutdoorunit 4 Thepipesandelectricalcablesconnectingtheindoorunitwiththe outdoor...

Page 11: ...itionsbelow usethesameinsulationthatisusedforhighhumidity conditions Geologicalcondition Highhumidityplacessuchasshoreline hotspring nearlakeorriver andridge whenthepartofthebuildingis coveredbyearthandsand Operationpurposecondition Restaurantceiling sauna swimmingpooletc Buildingconstructioncondition Theceilingfrequentlyexposedtomoistureandcoolingisnotcovered e g Thepipeinstalledatacorridorofador...

Page 12: ... Insertthedrainhosetobottomoftheoutfallofwaterbasin f f Lockflexiblehoseclampofthedrainhoseaccordingtothefigure f f Windandwrapflexiblehoseclampanddrainhosefullywiththermalinsulationsponge fixbothendsofexternallayer withribbonforthermalinsulation f f Afterbeinginstalled drainhosemustbeinsulatedfullybyheatinsulatingmaterial Tobeprovidedatsite A A Flexiblehoseclamp ofdrainhose Jointofdrainhose Drain...

Page 13: ...orunitthroughtheceiling theholeonthewall 4 Reassembletheelectricalcomponentboxcover carefullytighteningthescrew Wiringdiagram 1phase 3phase 1 L 2 N V1 V2 F3 F4 F2 F1 1 L 2 N N L OutdoorUnit IndoorUnit Mainpowercable Cableclamp Cabletie IndoorPower Communicationcable N L3 T 1 L 2 N L2 S L1 R F2 F1 1 L 2 N V1 V2 F3 F4 F2 F1 Communicationcable OutdoorUnit IndoorUnit 3Phase4Wirespowercable AC380V Cabl...

Page 14: ...refertotheoutdoorunitinstallationmanualforMAINPOWER Incaseofextendingtheelectricwire pleaseDONOTusearound shapedpressingsocket Incompletewireconnectionscancauseelectricshockorafire WARNING Selectingcompressedringterminal Silversolder Nominaldimensionsforcable mm2 1 5 2 5 4 Nominaldimensionsforscrew mm 4 4 4 4 4 B Standarddimension mm 6 6 8 6 6 8 5 9 5 Allowance mm 0 2 0 2 0 2 D Standarddimension m...

Page 15: ...breaker Anallpoledisconnectionfromthepowersupplymustbe incorporatedinthefixedwiring 3mm Youmustkeepthecableinaprotectiontube Keepdistancesof50mmormorebetweenpowercableandcommunicationcable Maximumlengthofpowercablesaredecidedwithin10 ofpowerdrop Ifitexceeds youmustconsideranother powersupplyingmethod Thecircuitbreaker ELCBorMCCB ELB shouldbeconsideredmorecapacityifmanyindoorunitsareconnectedfrom o...

Page 16: ...heindoorunit Seethe picture 2 AttachtheInterfacemodulePCBtothecaseinthecontrolboxoftheindoorunit then connectthepowerandthecommunicationcablebetweentheInterfacemoduleand theindoorunit 3 IfyouinstallaInterfacemoduletoanindoorunit everyoutdoorunitwhichisconnected toanindoorunitcanbecontrolledsimultaneously 4 EachindoorunitconnectedtothesamecentralizedcontrollerhasitsownInterface module ...

Page 17: ...emoconofMR EH00 f f Pleaserefertothewiredremoconinstallationmanualforsettingwiththewiredremocon Theprocedureofsettingoption MR EH00 Mode Selectsoperationmode Airflowdirection Leftandright Adjuststheairflowdirectionleftandright Power Turnstheairconditioneronoroff Temperature Adjuststhetemperature Options Selectsoptionsduringoperation Direction Movestoselectandsetanoption Fanspeed Adjuststhefanspeed...

Page 18: ...9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 On SEG1 12 Off SEG13 24 0 X X X X X 1 X X X X X SEG13 SEG14 SEG15 SEG16 SEG17 SEG18 SEG19 SEG20 SEG21 SEG22 SEG23 SEG24 2 X X X X X 3 X X X X X CAUTION Optionsetting Status 1 SettingSEG2 SEG3option PressLowFanbutton toenterSEG2value PressHighFanbutton toenterSEG3value Eachtimeyoupressthebutton willbeselectedinrotation SEG2 SEG3 2 SettingCoolmode PressModebuttontobechangedtoCool...

Page 19: ...SettingAutomode PressModebuttontobechangedtoAUTOmodeintheOFFstatus 11 SettingSEG14 SEG15option PressLowFanbutton toenterSEG14value PressHighFanbutton toenterSEG15value Eachtimeyoupressthebutton willbeselectedinrotation SEG14 SEG15 12 SettingCoolmode PressModebuttontobechangetoCoolmodeintheOFFstatus 13 SettingSEG16 SEG17option PressLowFanbutton toenterSEG16value PressHighFanbutton toenterSEG17value...

Page 20: ...llbeselectedinrotation SEG23 SEG24 Step3 Checktheoptionyouhaveset Aftersettingoption press buttontocheckwhethertheoptioncodeyouinputiscorrectornot Option SEG2 3 SEG4 5 SEG6 8 SEG9 10 SEG11 12 RemoteControllerDisplay Option SEG14 15 SEG16 17 SEG18 20 SEG21 22 SEG23 24 RemoteControllerDisplay Step4 Inputoption Pressoperationbutton withthedirectionofremotecontrolforset Forthecorrectoptionsetting youm...

Page 21: ...2XXXXX 3XXXXX Option SEG1 SEG2 SEG3 SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 Explanation PAGE MODE RESERVED Useofexternal temperature sensor Useofcentral control RESERVED Indication andDetails Indication Details Indication Details Indication Details Indication Details 0 2 0 Disuse 0 Disuse 1 Use 1 Use Option SEG7 SEG8 SEG9 SEG10 SEG11 SEG12 Explanation PAGE RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED Indication andDetails...

Page 22: Cooling temperaturelowerlimit Toenable Levelcontrol whenapplyingtheDPMwiththecentralizedcontroller appoint themaster Set Useofexternalcontrol SEG14 optionto4orhigher Example WheninstallingDPM 1Outdoorunitwith4indoorunits Condition SEG14Setting Result Externalcontrol Levelcontrol Indoor1 Indoor2 Indoor3 Indoor4 Default Notset 0 Slave All Disuse Use 4 Notset 0 Notset 0 Notset 0 Master Indoor1 Sl...

Page 23: ...nerrorbetweenindoorunits EEPROMerror EEPROMoptionerror Erroroftemperaturesensorinindoorunit open short ErrorofoutdoorUnit Self Diagnosis Erroroftheindoorunitpipesensor Highpressureblockageerror Indoorfanerror Thermalfuseopenerror IndoorunitfloatS W2nddetection Whenchangingadigitofanindoorunitaddresssettingoption settheSEG3as A Whenchangingadigitofindoorunitinstallationoption settheSEG3as 2 Ex When...

Page 24: ...hencompressoristurnedon E221 Erroronoutdoortemperaturesensor ShortorOpen E231 ErroronoutdoorCONDOUTsensor ShortorOpen E251 Errorondischargetemperaturesensorofcompressor1 ShortorOpen E320 ErroronOLPsensor ShortorOpen E403 Compressordownduetofreezeprotectioncontrol E404 Systemstopduetooverloadprotectioncontrol E416 Systemstopduetodischargetemperature E422 Blockagedetectedonhighpressurepipe E425 Reve...

Page 25: ...rror Option E471 OutdoorunitEEPROMRead Writeerror H W E472 ACLineZeroCrossSignalout E473 CompLockerror E474 ErroronIPMHeatSinksensorofinverter1 ShortorOpen E475 Erroroninverterfan2 E484 PFCOverload Overcurrent Error E485 Erroroninputcurrentsensorofinverter1 ShortorOpen E500 IPMoverheaterroroninverter1 E508 Smartinstallisnotinstalled E554 Gasleakdetected E556 Errorduetomismatchingcapacityofindooran...

Page 26: ...heinstallationmanual CAUTION Unit mm 120 60 20 20 20 180 Powercable 3 Insertbothsidesofcorewireofthepowercableintotheconnectionsleeve f f Method1 Pushthecorewireintothesleevefrombothsides Connectionsleeve f f Method2 Twistthewirecorestogetherandpushitintothesleeve Connectionsleeve 4 Usingacrimpingtool compressthetwopointsandflipitoverandcompressanothertwopointsinthesamelocation Thecompressiondimen...

Page 27: ...ontube 7 Aftertubecontractionworkiscompleted wrapitwiththeinsulationtapetofinish Makesurethattheconnectionpartsarenotexposedtooutside Besuretouseinsulationtapeandacontractiontubemadeofapprovedreinforcedinsulatingmaterialsthathavethe samelevelofwithstandvoltagewiththepowercable Complywiththelocalregulationsonextensions CAUTION Insulationtape Incaseofextendingtheelectricwire pleaseDONOTusearound sha...

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Page 29: ...imagine the possibilities ThankyouforpurchasingthisSamsungproduct Ceiling Type Series AC JNCDEH Air Conditioner installation manual DB68 05135A 04 EN ES FR IT PT DE ...
