Samsung proprietary and confidential
7150 Washer and Dryer Product Guide
Overview |
| Specs | Icons
| 7150 Washer
Features and Benefits: WA54CG7150* (Continued)
Feature Name
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Wash a full load in just
28 minutes
* Based on using Super Speed on a
Normal Cycle with an 8lb load.
Super Speed Wash
Wash a full load of laundry in just 28 minutes
without sacrificing cleaning performance.
* Based on using Super Speed on a Normal Cycle with an 8lb load.
Powerful cleaning in just
28 minutes.
* Based on using Super Speed on a Normal
Cycle with an 8lb load.
Pretreat with a push of
a button
Active WaterJet
A built-in water faucet lets you easily pretreat
soiled or heavily stained clothes with a press of a
button. Scrub items right inside your washer, no
laundry room sink needed.
A built-in water faucet lets you
easily pretreat heavily soiled
and stained clothes.
Purchase with confidence
20-Year Motor Warranty
Purchase with confidence any Samsung Washer
model with a Digital Inverter Motor and receive a
20 year warranty on the motor.
* 20-year warranty limited to the Digital Inverter Motor of washers
purchased on 7/1/2022 or later. Purchase receipt indicating purchase date
required for a claim. Additional restrictions and limitations apply, see
warranty for details.
Purchase with confidence any
Samsung Washer model with a
Digital Inverter Motor and receive
a 20 year warranty on the motor.
* 20-year warranty limited to the Digital Inverter
Motor of washers purchased on 7/1/2022 or later.
Purchase receipt indicating purchase date required
for a claim. Additional restrictions and limitations
apply, see warranty for details.