The XM410 has two internal power amplifiers
and depending on the power amp MODE selec-
tion switch, the amplifiers are sent the MAIN
or MONITOR bus signal. The following section
describes the MAIN bus operation, which allows
you to adjust the over-all tone and volume, and
specify the mix level of the built-in effects:
Graphic Equalizer
The XM410’s 7-band Graphic Equalizer allows
you to contour the frequency response of the
MAIN mix bus signal, providing a maximum
of 12dB of cut/boost for each frequency band.
This is an especially useful tool for cutting fre-
quencies that cause annoying feedback. The
frequency response is flat when the sliders are
in the center position. Moving a slider in the
positive direction will boost that frequency
by as much as 12dB, and moving the slider in the negative direction will cut that frequency by up
to 12dB. Once you set a response curve using the Graphic Equalizer, the EQ curve is applied to both
the MAIN bus signal that is output to the speakers, and the line level signal which is output from the
MAIN OUT jack.
EFX RETURN - Effects Return Control
The EFX RETURN control is used to adjust the level of the effect sound being sent back from the built-
in digital effect to the MAIN mix bus. This allows you to hear the DSP effects in your MAIN speakers.
MASTER - Volume Control
The MASTER level control is the over-all volume control for the MAIN bus. The MAIN level affects
both the MAIN bus signal which is output to the speakers and the line level signal which is output
from the MAIN OUT jack.
MAIN Output Level Meter
The OUTPUT LEVEL METER allows you to monitor the level of the signal which is being sent to the
MAIN OUT jack (input/output panel 8).
NOTE: To avoid distortion, adjust the MASTER LEVEL control so that the 0 indicator LED lights occa-
Controls and Functions