Translation of the original operating instructions
Electrical position indicators type 024.85/024.86/024.87
© 1994 - 2021 SED Flow Control
BA210008 Version:
: d
k360 (
Accident prevention rules
In addition to the operating instructions and the binding rules and regulations for accident prevention
applicable in the country of use and the place of operation, the approved technical rules for safe and
professional working must be observed.
Before beginning with your work
Before beginning with your work, please obtain information about first-aid and rescue options (emergency,
doctor, fire- and rescue services). Please obtain information about locations and operation of fire extinguishers
and about fire alarm and firefighting options on site. Retain the unit against inadvertent operation.
During work
During operation, wear suitable work clothes.
Do not carry out activities that may impair safety.
Only operate the device in safe and functional condition.
Provisions for protection of the environment
For any work at or with the device, the provisions for environmental protection must be complied with.
Residual risks
Danger through electric voltage!
Electrical voltage may cause severe injuries or death!
Before working at the facility, voltage must be switched off and secured against unauthorized activation!
Attend to valid accident prevention and safety guidelines for electrical devices!
Protect the facility from inadvertent operation!
After shutdown the facility a controlled restart must be guaranteed!
Electrostatic discharge!
In order to avoid damage to electrical components, the general ESD protection measures must be observed!
Responsibilities of the operator
Devices that are not in unobjectionable condition may cause personal injury and property damage.
It is the operator’s responsibility to only operate the device in unobjectionable condition.
Hazard zones that occur between the device and any equipment on the customer’s site must be secured by the
operator. The operator must ensure sufficient illumination during work at the device.