sectIOn 6 |
Input, Output connections
& Operation
oVeR teMPeRAtURe PRoteCtIon
If the temperature inside the inverter is
too high, the unit will automatically shut
down. Allow the unit to cool for at least
15 minutes before restarting. Unplug unit
while cooling. Status of LEDs and buzzer:
red LED “fAULT” (3) ................................ off
Green LED “Power” (4) ............................. oN
Yellow LED “Input fault”(5) ..................... oN
buzzer ......................................................... off
reset ............................ Auto-reset on cooling
LoW DC InPUt VoLtAGe PRoteCtIon
This condition is not harmful to the invert-
er but could damage the power source.
The inverter automatically shuts down
when input voltage drops to 10.0 volts.
Status of LEDs and buzzer:
red LED “fAULT” (3) .................................off
Green LED “Power” (4) ..............................off
Yellow LED “Input fault” (5) ......................oN
buzzer ...........................................................oN
reset* ............................................. Auto- reset
When DC input voltage rises to 11.5 VDC
The inverter will automatically shut down
when the input voltage exceeds 15.5 volts
DC. Input voltage exceeding 16 volts could
damage the inverter. Status of LEDs and
red LED “fAULT” (3) ..................................off
Green LED “Power” (4) ..............................off
Yellow LED “Input fault” (5) ......................oN
buzzer ..........................................................off
reset* .............................................. Auto-reset
* When DC input voltage < 15.5 V
oVeRLoAD PRoteCtIon
The inverter will automatically shut down
when the continuous draw exceeds rated
red LED “fAULT” (3)
Green LED “Power” (4)
Yellow LED “Input fault” (5) .....................off
buzzer ..........................................................off
reset* ..........................................Manual reset
*Switch off, wait for around 3 min, switch oN
The inverter will shut down. remove the
short circuit and restart inverter. Status of
LEDs and buzzer:
red LED “fAULT” (3) ...................................oN
Green LED “Power” (4) ...............................oN
Yellow LED “Input fault” (5) .....................off
buzzer ..........................................................off
reset* ..........................................Manual reset
*Switch off, wait for around 3 min, switch oN
eARtH FAULt PRoteCtIon
This inverter complies with the standard
current leakage allowance. When large
current leakage to earth terminal occurs,
the protection circuit is activated and
shuts down the inverter, which prevent s
electric shock. Status of LEDs and buzzer:
times their wattage rating to start up. The
most demanding in this category are those
that start under load, such as compres-
sors and pumps. To restart the unit after a
shutdown due to overloading, remove the
overload if necessary turn the power switch
off then oN.
sectIOn 7 |
Protective Features of the Inverter