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Cross Arm Adduction
Grasp elbow of involved arm with opposite hand and pull arm across front of chest.
Hold for 5 seconds. Relax and repeat.
Sleeper Stretch
Lie on your involved shoulder directly on your side. Have your involved shoulder
elevated out to 90 degrees such that your elbow is pointing straight out in front
of you. Using your other hand, slowly bend your arm down towards the table
without letting your involved shoulder or shoulder blade move upward away from
the table. You can use your chin to push down gently on your involved shoulder
to ensure that it is not raising upward as you move your hands toward the table.
Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, and repeat 2-3 times. You should feel this
stretch in the back of your shoulder. If pinching occurs in the front of the shoulder
while doing the sleeper stretch directly on your side (top two photos), then try the
stretch in the “roll back” position (bottom two photos) by rolling back from your side
approx. 1/3rd as pictured. If it still pinches or is uncomfortable, discontinue and
consult your therapist.
Perform _____ sets of ____ Repetitions
Perform _____ sets of ____ Repetitions