Mounting orientation
The unit has air intake and exhaust openings for the cooling fan(s). It has to be mounted
in such a manner so that small objects should not be able to fall easily into the unit from
these openings and cause electrical / mechanical damage. Also, the mounting orienta-
tion should be such that if the internal components overheat and melt / dislodge due to
a catastrophic failure, the melted / hot dislodged portions should not be able to fall out
of the unit on to a combustible material and cause a fire hazard. The size of openings
has been limited as per the safety requirements to prevent the above possibilities when
the unit is mounted in the recommended orientations. In order to meet the regulatory
safety requirements, the mounting has to satisfy the following requirements:
- Mount on a non-combustible material.
- The mounting surface should be able to support the weight of the unit
- Mount horizontally on a horizontal surface - above a horizontal surface
(e.g. table top or a shelf).
- Mount horizontally on a vertical surface – The unit can be mounted on a vertical
surface (like a wall) with the fan axis horizontal and the DC input terminals facing
left or right.
Mounting the unit vertically on a vertical surface is NoT allowed (DC terminals
facing up or down). As explained above, this is to prevent falling of objects into
the unit through the fan grille when the fan opening faces up. If fan opening
faces down, hot damaged component may fall out.
Dc Side connections
Preventing Dc input over Voltage
It is to be ensured that the DC input voltage of this unit does not exceed 16.5 VDC for
the 12 -V battery versions and 33.0 VDC for the 24 -V battery versions to prevent perma-
nent damage to the unit. Please observe the following precautions:
- Ensure that the maximum charging voltage of the external battery charger / alterna-
tor / solar charge controller does not exceed 16.5 VDC for the 12V battery version and
33.0 VDC for the 24 -V battery version
- Do not use unregulated solar panels to charge the battery connected to this unit.
Under open circuit conditions and in cold ambient temperatures, the output of the
solar panel may be > 44 VDC. Always use a charge controller between the solar panel
and the battery.
- When using Diversion Charge Control Mode in a charge controller, the solar / wind /
hydro source is directly connected to the battery bank. In this case, the controller will
divert excess current to an external load. As the battery charges, the diversion duty
cycle will increase. When the battery is fully charged, all the source energy will flow
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