Member of EXEL group
Replacement of the seals on the handle side
Step 1
: Remove the trigger
, and the paint needle.
Step 2
: Unscrew the four screws fastening the barrel on the handle.
Step 3
: Unscrew manually or with a small flat pliers the three connection wires of the high voltage unit,
pull carefully the contacts towards the back.
Step 4
: Replace the o-rings (B) of the air ducts
and the air valve (Step 3: not obligatory):
Remove and replace the three o-rings.
Step 5
: Replace the o-ring barrel/handle (A)
(Step 3: obligatory):
Remove and replace the o-ring.
Replace this o-ring every year.
Step 6
: Replace the o-ring back of paint
needle (C).
Remove and replace the o-ring.
To reassemble, follow the steps in reverse order.