UAIS DEBEG 3400, Electronics Unit
ED3047G142 / 08 (2004-06)
Technical Manual
6 Repair/Maintenance
6.3 Software Update
t_ue_e07.fm / 21.06.04
Software Update
A software update can be performed by means of a laptop (or any other PC with Windows 95, 98, XP as
its operating system), a cable and the service software, which is available in the SAM-CMIS system (see
If the AIS is connected to a CHARTPILOT or MULTIPILOT, it is also possible to update the software by
means of the CHARTPILOT/MULTIPILOT and the CHARTPILOT Application Software CD. See the Tech-
nical Manuals of the CHARTPILOT or MULTIPILOT for further information.
Access to Update Software and Update Accessories
Accessories for the Software Update
AIS update kit
Order No. 390001115
AIS update cable
Order No. 271178479
DCU Update cable
Order No. 271178480
Order No. 390005900
Software download from SAM-CMIS
The current and previous versions of the software and the documentation for all components of the AIS
system can be downloaded from the internet. It is also possible to order update kits and update CDs
Internet Explorer 5.5 (with Virtual Machine) or newer
"Cookies" must be accepted
To gain access:
Enter the address http://www.sam-cmis.de
Type "customer" in the field Username (no capitals, small letters only)
Type "download" in the field Password (no capitals, small letters only)
To open the directories or to download files, click twice on the name or the symbol of the element.
Click on the directory "UAIS DEBEG 340x".
The zip file in the directory contains software for all components of the AIS system, suitable documenta-
tion and Technotes. The unpacked zip-file can be saved on a CD ROM.
It is not permissible to modify any settings in the SAM-CMIS system. To leave the system click on Tools
-> Log-out.
A table of the software versions, their compatibility and the corresponding versions of the manuals is
shown in a README-file which is part of the downloaded zip file.
For AIS systems with a DCU:
It must be verified that the software versions of the DCU and of the Electronics Unit are compatible to
each other. The software versions can be determined by means of the Configuration menus of the DCU.