AIS 3410, Electronics Unit
ED3047G842 / 01 (2009-08)
Technical Manual
4 Functional Description
4.3 Description of the Components / 27.08.09
Output sentences in compliance with IEC 61162-1/-2 Supported Sentences for the Long Range Port
Input sentences in compliance with IEC 61162-1/-2, edition 3, 04/2007 (NMEA0183 version 3.01)
Sentence Identifier/Description
Prepared by AIS Unit
Notification that a session initiated by the messages ABM,
BBM, AIR is terminated
ABK (Acknowledgement message)
AIS own-ship broadcast data (all transmissions available)
VDO (VHF data link own-vessel message)
Channel management data
ACA (AIS channel assignment message (using
query mechanism)
Received on VHF Data Link by AIS Unit
All VDL AIS messages received
Broadcast or addressed to own station
VDM (VHF data link message)
Received on LR Communication System
LR interrogation message received
LRI (Long range interrogation) and LRF (Long
range function identification)
Proprietary Sentences
AIS Electronics Unit power on
AISPWR (AIS power)
Log file data
AISLFS (AIS log file send)
Acknowledge to AIS transmitter status on/off
AISTXD (acknowledge to AIS transmitter status)
Report on a long range interrogation to the MKD
AISLRF (AIS long range function request)
AIS firmware version
AISVER (AIS version)
Sentence Identifier/Description
Long range interrogation:
- Type of request
- Geographic area request
- AIS unit request
LRI (Long range interrogation)
Long range function identification, Requester MMSI and Name
Request for:
- Ship’s name, call sign, IMO number
- Date and time of message composition
- Position
- Course over ground
- Speed over ground
- Destination and ETA
- Draught
- Ship/Cargo
- Ship’s length, breadth and type
- Number of persons on board
LRF (Long range function identification)