Posizionare sul pavimento l’imballo del telaio in ferro.
Seguire gli appositi indicatori per procedere all’apertura.
Place the crate containing the iron frame on the ground and open it as
per the instructions attached to it.
Estrazione del telaio /
Unpack the iron structure
Nota! /
Prima di aprire la cassa assicurarsi di avere le mani od eventuali guanti
puliti e non unti.
Before opening any box or crate ensure your hands (or gloves if you are wearing
them) are clean and free of grease or oil.
Upon taking delivery of the table, immediately check the impact indicators.
The number of these will be shown on the transport document. If even 1 of them is
red, accept the delivery, writing on the accompanying documentation
“Impact Indicator is red”.
Check the contents within 24 hours.
If any damage to the contents is found, leave the product in its original packaging,
contact your courier immediately and request an inspection within
3 days of the original delivery.