It is very easy to check whether or not your cookware will work using
a fridge magnet or any other permanent magnet. If the magnet sticks
to the bottom of the pot/pan, the cookware will work on an induction
What are the advantages of induction cooking?
Induction cooking allows you to adjust the cooking heat instantly
and with great precision much like a gas burner, but with even more
than any other counter top cooking technology.
Energy is transferred directly to the cookware, there is no wasted heat,
resulting in extremely fast heat up time - even faster than gas.
An induction cooktop only gets hot under the bottom of the cookware.
The area around the cookware does not get hot, so drips, spatters and
spills don’t bake on the induction cooker surface. Simply wipe with a
damp cloth - cleanup is a breeze.
Energy Efficient
Conventional cooking methods involve generating heat which is then
transferred to cookware. With induction cooking, there is almost no
wasted heat since heat is being generated in the cookware itself. Also,
because there are no open flames or hot elements releasing heat into
your kitchen, your kitchen stays cooler.
What can I cook on an induction cooker?
Portable induction cookers are ideal for everyday use. They can also be
used for camping, cottages, dorm rooms and offices. They can be used
any place a stove is not available or an extra cooking surface is required.
Induction cooking is also faster, cleaner, safer and more energy efficient
than any other counter top cooking technology.
There are no open flames or hot elements. Induction cooktops will start
only once the appropriate cookware has been placed on the surface
and stops immediately when the cookware is removed. No more burned
fingers or hands and safer around young children.
What you can cook on an induction cooker is no different than what you
can cook with gas, an electric coil or any other form of heat. There are
no special recipes or cookbooks.