SALTO Systems - WRLUD24Bxx - Long Distance Reader manual
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Function Principle and Environmental Influences
The reader sends a high-frequency carrier signal. The transponder that is located within
the area of this transmitted carrier transmits the signal back with its own transponder
data in a modulated way. This very weak signal is being analyzed by the reader.
Because of the particular small-bandwidth and the high carrier frequency this system is
almost fail-safe. Nevertheless the range of the reader can be negatively influenced. The
following list shows what to pay attention to:
1. The reader must have visual contact to the transponder. There must not be any
walls or other devices between reader and transponder. Reading through plastic
film, card board, papers or glass windows may be possible, but will reduce the rea
ding range depending on the condition of the material.
2. Water, ice and snow will absorb the carrier signal. Therefore the installer has to
make sure that the front of the reader and the transponder is not covered with wa
ter, ice or snow.
3. Reflections within the surroundings of the reader can influence the reading result in
a negative way. Therefore the reader should be mounted as free-standing as possi
ble. We strictly discourage from sunk-in installations.
4. In Multi-Reader Environment (EU only), you must assign different channels to the
readers. To accomplish this, the parameter “preferred channel” should be adjusted
accordingly and you have to choose the highest possible channel spacing! When
using UHF readers that are installed close together (e.g. entrance and exit lane) it is
recommended to pair channels such as Channel 4, 10 and channel 7, 13 etc.
For a standard installation in a passenger-car car park, a WRLUD24Bxx can be insta
lled either beside the roadway, or above it
Installation on the side of the road:
The reader is mounted on a pole on the driver’s side next to the road at a height of
1.8 m – 2.0 m (5.9 – 6.5 ft.). Then the reader is aligned towards the transponder/car
windshield. When a ground loop is present, it should be used to trigger the reader. The
distance from the reader to the ground loop should be in the range of 2.0 m - 2.5 m (6.5
– 8.2 ft.).
2.0m - 2.5m
1.8m - 2.0m
5.9ft. - 6.5ft.
4.9ft. - 8.2ft.
Ground loop