2. Fuel burns too quickly
The rated output on your stove is based on burning dry seasoned hardwood and re-fuelling every hour. By turning down
the vent controls the fuel will burn slower and last longer.
Common causes:
Excessively strong chimney draught
If by turning down the vents the fire still burns too quickly, this is normally due
to excessively strong draught on the chimney. This will lead to over-firing of the stove which is inefficient, losing
excessive heat into the chimney and pulling too much cold air through the house. A flue damper fitted into the first
section of flue pipe can help to calm a chimney draught.
Fuel type/size
try experimenting with different types of wood/fuel and different sized logs. Coal and slightly larger
logs will burn slower. Softwood such as pine will burn particularly fast. Kiln dried wood is NOT recommended
It is likely
to burn too fast
always use seasoned, naturally dried logs (hardwood) where possible.
3. Smoke comes back into room
A small amount of smoke entering the room when you open the stove door is normal but should stop after a few
If smoke ever leaks constantly into the room stop using the fire immediately, shut down all vents on the stove, open
windows and exit the room. Do not use the stove until a local expert has established the problem.
Common causes:
Insufficient air supply into the room
do you have an air brick of sufficient size to feed the stove with air?
Blocked chimney
have the chimney swept and checked by a registered chimney sweep.
Insufficient chimney draught
can be due to a variety of reasons
please refer to previous text under
“Poor draught
and chimney strength”
Rapid condensation of the gases
- causing them to slow down and back up in the chimney
this can be due to too
broad a chimney/flue, relative to the size of the appliance or the flue not being adequately insulated. You may need a
flue liner and/or insulation in the chimney.
4. Glass gets dirty quickly
Common causes:
Top vents not open
Your stove has a top vent this controls the Airwash system
the top vent needs to be
constantly open adequately to ensure enough air is coming into the stove. No Airwash will work fully when the stove is
burning very slowly (slumbering).
Primary Vent left open
Primary vent when left open will interfere with the operation of the Secondary (Airwash),
causing blackening of the window. Always shut Primary once fire is established, and only ever open as much as
necessary to get the fire going
or to give a short ‘boost’ to new wood when refuelling.
Poor fuel
wet wood or softwood (e.g. pine) will produce a lot of tar, creosote and soot, dirtying the glass and
eventually blocking the flue.