The user manual is available for customers on our website. It
can be read online or downloaded, as appropriate.
In addition to reading the manual, it is necessary to access
document EK266*08, relating to the
"Safety instructions"
Please read these instructions carefully before carrying out any
action on the unit in terms of installation or start-up, change of
location, configuration or handling of any type.
The purpose of the user manual is to provide information re-
lating to safety, as well as explanations about the unit's in-
stallation and operating procedures. Read them carefully and
follow the steps in the corresponding order.
Compliance as regards the "Safety instructions"
is mandatory, with the user being legally respon-
for observing and applying them.
All units are supplied with the corresponding labels to guar-
antee the correct identification of each part. In addition, the
user can refer to the user manual at any time during installation
or start-up operation, which provides clear, well-organised and
easy-to-understand information.
Finally, once the unit is installed and in operation, we recom-
mend that you keep the documentation in a safe place that is
easy to access, in case of any future queries that may arise.
The following terms are used interchangeably in the document
to refer to:
"SPS.PC, unit, system, unit or UPS"
.- SPS.PC uninter-
ruptible power supply system.
Depending on the context of the sentence, they may refer
interchangeably to the UPS itself or to the UPS and the bat-
"Batteries or capacitor banks"
.- A group or set of ele-
ments that stores the flow of electrons by electrochemical
.- Service and Technical Support.
"Customer, installer, operator or user"
.- They are used
interchangeably and, by extension, to refer to the installer
and/or the operator who will carry out the corresponding
actions, whereby the responsibility for carrying out the
respective actions may be held by the same person when
they act on behalf or in representation of the installer or
2.1.1. Conventions and symbols
Some symbols may be used and may appear on the unit, bat-
teries and/or in the user manual.
For more information, see section 1.1.1 of document EK266*08
relating to the
"Safety Instructions"