Document SSI.10 December15. Issue 1
Mains live (Dark brown)
Mains neutral (Blue)
Hall effect
Motor live(light brown)
Hall effect
Pressure switch
Earth stud
1. Remove NRV(14) from OUTER(3) using long nosed pliers and discard.
2. Remove float(12) noticing its orientation.
3. Repeat above steps for opposite pump side if required.
3. Remove Junction Box (JB) lid screws (11) using PZ2 screwdriver and retain
4. Remove JB lid (6) and retain.
5. Disconnected HE sensor leads and pressure switch connector.
6. Snip cable tie that secures HE sensor to outer (3) note its orientation and remove. Discard both.
7. Repeat above steps for opposite pump side if required.
8. Disconnect mains, motor cables noting their orientation.
9. Remove M4 nut(20) and M4 washer(21) using 7mm deep socket.
10. Remove interface PCB (9)
11. Fit new PCB interface
12. Secure with M4 nut and washer to 1.95Nm +/- 0.15
13. Insert new HE sensor (19) into outer housing and secure with cable tie. Snip excess cable tie off.
14. Insert float (12) into outer in the same orientation as removed ensuring it engages with float guides and
moves freely.
15. Insert new NRV to stop position.
16. Repeat above steps for opposite pump side.
17. Reconnect both HE sensors, Pressure switch and mains, motors cables as per diagram. Ensure cables are
routed via junction box base cable slots.
18. Refit junction box lid checking no cables are trapped.
19. Re-secure JB lid screws to hand tight.
20. Reconnect couplers ensuring filter and rubber washers are seated correctly. Service is now complete and
ready for test.