C A R E & M A I N T EN A N C E
• If unit is dropped and causes water to leak into internal
mechanism of the unit, ensure that unit is emptied
and dried in well-ventilated area for at least three days
before using or plugging into power again.
• Unplug diffuser after 3 hours of charging or when red LED
light shuts off.
• Use a clean, soft, damp cloth to wipe down exterior of
unit to prevent essential oils from staining the surface.
• Clean the water tank every 3 days and before changing
diffuser blends to avoid residue buildup and to ensure
that the water and blends do not become stale.
• To clean inside water tank, remove stopper and empty
remaining water from water tank. Mix water and 1-2
drops of rubbing alcohol in squeeze bottle, add to water
tank and let sit. Pour mixture out and rinse well with
water before resuming regular usage. Do not use vinegar
or dish soap.