Page 1: ...riginally developedby SAITO Cylinderhead Improvedsemi sphericalcombustionchamberassuresbettercombustionefficiency andvolumetricefficiency Cylinder The aluminum cylinder is directly hard chrome plated on its inner surface without installing liners to reduce weight and increase durability The monolithic structureofcylinderheadandcylinderpreventsdistortionandimprovescoolingefficiency Piston Thepiston...
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Page 3: ...pesofprop fuel plug orclimateconditions Readjusttheslowneedlereferringtothefigureshownbelow Referencevalue only foraguide Mainneedle Opentheneedleby2turnsfromthefullclosepoint Slowneedle FullyclosethethrottlevalveandslowneedleCWtotheend Thenopentheslow needleby about3turnsfromthefullclosepoint 1 Afterfillingupthefueltank starttheengineasdescribedintheprevioussection F 2 Fully openthethrottlevalve ...
Page 4: ...iodoftime lubricatetheentireenginebeforeplacingaplasticcoveron J InternalLubricationofEngineandWasteOilDisposal Oil contained in fuel enters into the crankcase through the clearance between the piston and cylinder to lubricate the piston connecting rod bearings cams and gears Waste oil is discharged from the breather nipple located at the lower part of crankcase Connect a silicone tube to the brea...
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