c. Randomize Play (Square C2)
Turn this option on for greater variety of play. Instead of selecting one
single best move, the computer will then choose one of the best moves
to play by consulting its built-in Randomizer!
d. Book On/Off (Square D2)
If you ever want to completely lock out the computer’s built-in book of
openings, set this option to
. When the book is off, the computer
is forced to take time to think of its moves from the beginning of the
game, rather than making its moves from memory. For details on
openings, see Section 2.7.
If you turn the book completely off, the other
book options (described below) are also automatically disabled.
e. Full Book (Square E2)
Turning on the Full Book option gives the computer the freedom to
choose any move from its built-in book of openings, so you’ll see a
greater variety of opening lines being played.
If this option is selected,
the Passive, Active, and Tournament Book options are disabled.
With this option on, you may see the computer make some question-
able moves. This is because its built-in book of openings must contain
responses to certain lines of play (even questionable lines), in case they
are played. While the computer would not make these moves on its own,
it needs to know how to respond to them in the best way. Therefore,
when you turn on the Full Book, the computer could potentially play one
of these moves.
f. Passive Book (Square F2)
Selecting the Passive Book option forces the computer to give prefer-
ence to passive and closed positions when deciding which lines to play.
If this option is selected, the Active Book and Tournament Book options
are disabled.
g. Active Book (Square G2)
When this option is activated, the computer will give preference to
active lines and open positions when deciding which lines to play.
If this
option is selected, the Passive Book and Tournament Book options are
h. Tournament Book (Square H2)
When you turn the Tournament Book option on, the computer is
forced to always select the best possible line of play in every opening.
While this results in the best chess play, it also narrows down the
computer’s choice of moves by limiting its available book lines.
If this
option is selected, the Active Book and Passive Book options are
5.3 Rotating Display Options (Squares A3-H3)
Normally, the computer’s display shows the time for the player to
move. However, the computer can also display other information, as
described in Section 4 (Info Mode). The Rotating Display feature works
hand-in-hand with Info Mode, since it allows you to choose which of the
Info Displays you want to see, and then cycles your choices in one-
second increments. You may turn on any or all of the Rotating Display
options, as desired.
IMPORTANT: The Rotating Display feature is only activated
Press OPTION three times to select the Rotating Display Op-
tions. Then use the BLACK/+ and WHITE/– keys to select the options
you want to see rotated in the display. The options are described below
and summarized in the Option Mode Chart in this section. Press ENTER
to turn these options on (+) or off (–). Or, simply press the option
squares to turn the options on or off.
If you think the display information is changing too quickly when it
rotates, press INFO to freeze the display. Successive presses of INFO
and the BLACK/+ and WHITE/– keys will allow you to cycle through all
the displays manually, as described in Section 4. To start the display
rotation again, press OPTION followed by CLEAR. In any event, when
the computer starts thinking about its next move, the display automati-
cally starts rotating again.
The game information you can see
while the computer is thinking
includes the following:
= the predicted line of play (up to four individual