Lap 1
Here’s a course that offers a
lot of opportunities to make
choices and think about
strategy, because there are a
number of different paths
you can take on each lap.
Sail through the starting
g a t e , t h e n r o u n d t h e
windward buoy and offset
windward buoy. Travel down
to the leeward gate and pass
around it in any direction.
S a i l b a c k t o w a r d s t h e
windward buoy and do one
m o r e l a p , r o u n d i n g t h e
windward and then the offset
b u o y o n c e a g a i n . A f t e r
rounding the leeward gate
one more time, finish by
coming back through the
starting gate.
Lap 2 and finish
Windward buoy
Starting gate
Leeward gate
Offset buoy
Windward buoy
Starting gate
Leeward gate
Offset buoy
wind direction
A) Connect mast tubes.
C) Slide boom into gooseneck.
D) Thread outhaul string, attached to the sail,
through the end slider and snap into the next
slider forward (see page 7 for diagram)
B) Insert assembled mast into sail pocket.