Sailfish 275 DC Owner’s Manual | sailfishboats.com
Freshwater Washdown
and Shower System
The freshwater washdown and shower system
on your Sailfish Boat is powered by a Shur-flo
Pro Blaster Pump which creates a pressurized
system, once the pump is turned on and
pressure is created throughout the freshwater
hoses; once they are all pressurized the pump
will shut down until more pressure is needed.
All of the freshwater systems on the boat will
operate on this system once the freshwater
switch is engaged.
You should allow a few seconds for the system
to prime and pressurize before attempting to
use any of the showers/sinks ect.
The freshwater holding tank is located behind
the fuel tank in the bilge area.
The fill for this tank is located under the board-
ing latter on the port side of the vessel. The
freshwater pump can be accessed through the
bilge access door in the aft of the vessel.
Sailfish 275 DC