Copyright. SAI HVAC 2021-2022
3. VAV12 Operating Instructions Using the User Interface
Please note these instructions are for Desktop or Touchpad viewing, the smart phone will have a similar layout.
1. Open the User interface using the steps mentioned in 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3
2. The Launch page will open.
(Figure 11)
3.1 Changing the System Mode
Press the Auto, Heat, Cool or Vent Buttons.
(Figure 11)
Will switch between Heating and Cooling between zones.
Cooling only setting
Heating only setting
Will only circulate ambient air
3.2 Notes on Dynamic Energy Recovery
Your SAI HVAC multi zone temperature control system modulates its output capacity to match the heat load. It
continues to cool or heat individual zones until they reach the target temperature (set point). When all zones
are at target temperature, the refrigeration cycle is switched off. On a system where dynamic energy recovery
is disabled, any room can re-activate cooling or heating when the temperature moves away from set point by
0.5°C. Dynamic energy recovery is a technology designed for structures that include a large central area
surrounded by perimeter rooms. The perimeter rooms lose and gain heat at a much faster rate than the
central area. The reason for this phenomenon is that the portion of external walls and roof to room volume is
significantly higher and the additional thermal mass of the central area reduces the rate at which heat is
gained or lost. The dynamic energy recovery algorithm intervenes when a perimeter zone calls for heating or
cooling, it then measures the return air temperature (positioned din the large central zone) to apply a
proprietary algorithm that calculates the flow needed to slow down the rate at which heat is gained or lost.
The slider allows the user to find the right balance for their home or building between energy reduction and
comfort. The slider moves the point at which the worst performing zone can terminate dynamic energy
recovery and force heating or cooling.
The VAV12 zoning control is a unique part of the SAI HVAC system that provides the ability to dramatically
reduce your energy bills. It is important to note that the average household uses 38% of their power bill on
heating and cooling. It is also important to note that every degree Celsius difference between the inside
temperature and the outside temperature adds 10% to the energy cost for that room. SAI HVAC
’s multi zone
temperature control system automatically adjusts the airflow to individual rooms to make sure that cooling
and heating overshot is eliminated. There are 3 additional energy settings that are use adjustable that
Figure 11
Launch Page
Mode Select
Auto, Cool, Heat and Vent
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