Installation and User Guide - N56717020101
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Page A2-17
2.6 - Performance processing
Performance processing consists in supervising the following monitoring ports:
for local equipment:
regeneration section (byte B1) ("near end working (protection) RS"),
multiplex section (byte B2) ("near end working (protection) MS"),
VC3 tributary paths ("near end Low Path Virtual Container"),
VC12 tributary paths (byte V5) ("near end Low Path Virtual Container"),
for the remote equipment:
multiplex section (byte M1) ("far end working (protection) MS"),
VC3 tributary paths ("far end Low Path Virtual Container")
VC12 tributary paths (byte V5) ("far end Low Path Virtual Container").
Performance processing includes the following functions:
calculation of the number of errored blocks (or bit errors) on local and remote faults and
monitoring of the appearance faults over a one second period (VC12-REI indicators are not
taken into account in the calculation),
calculation and determination of the ES (Errored Second), SES (Severely Errored Second),
BBE (Background Block Error) and UAS (UnAvailable Second) states for each monitoring
generation for each monitoring point of 15-minute counters and 24-hour counters (BBE, ES,
SES and UAS).
Determination of ES, SES and UAS performance states:
For each of the monitoring points, the following states are:
- ES (Errored Second)
: number of seconds with at least one error detected
in a 1 s period or one fault,
- SES (Severely Errored Second)
: number of severely errored seconds,
An SES is a second for which the number of errors exceeds a defined threshold or
during which at least one fault is detected.
Monitoring point
SES declaration threshold
MS (byte B2) (for local) and MS (byte M1) (for remote)
RS (byte B1) (for local)
VC3 (for local)
VC12 (byte V5) (for local)
- UAS (UnAvailable Second)
: number of seconds of unavailability,
- BBE (Background Block Error)
: number of residual errored blocks excluding SES.