PAge heAder.....
aSSEmBlIng yoUr nEW aPPlIanCE
for USE WItH nUtrI JUICEr™
PlUS ExtraCtor
Place the filter bowl surround on the top
of the motor base.
Place the Froojie™ Disc into the filter
bowl surround and onto the motor
drive coupling push down until it
clicks into place. Ensure the Froojie™
Disc is fitted securely inside the
filter bowl surround and onto the
motor base.
Never use Froojie™ Disc without Nutri
Juicer™ Plus insert. They must always
be used together.
Place the Nutri Juicer™ Plus insert
into the filter bowl surround, making
sure the warning label on the handle
is facing upwards.
Place the juicer cover over the Nutri
Juicer™ Plus Insert and filter bowl
surround and lower into position.