MOSKITO – WMM Update Instructions
Dokumentnummer: KOEPM-7390 / khp
Public: 30.01.2020
Confidential & Proprietary
Safran Vectronix AG – All rights reserved – January 2020
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1. Introduction
These instructions guide you through the update procedure of the MOSKITO with the latest
World Magnetic Model (
WMM). This needs to be done to get an auto-declination on your position.
2. Preconditions
MOSKITO incl. batteries
PC with Windows XP or higher, and a Java Runtime environment must be installed
PC must be equipped with an RS232, or a USB to RS232 converter can be used
Serial cable or USB (PN 910556, 901600, or 907923)
Driver for USB data cable driver (available on www.safran-vectronix.com/product/moskito)
WMM-Update package: MOSKITO Downloader and WMM 2020
(available on www.safran-vectronix.com/product/moskito)
3. Install “MOSKITO Downloader” software
Download the “MOSKITO-WMM-Update-Package.zip” file from our website
Unzip the file and start “MOSKITO-Downloader-Setup.exe”
Follow the installation instructions
The zip file also contains the “MOSKITO WMM Update 2020.vtx” that you will need later
4. Connect MOSKITO to PC via cable
Insert batteries into the MOSKITO
Select the appropriate USB or COM-Port:
CAUTION: when using the cable 910556 (Data cable for PC-RS232 to USB) use the COM Port
shown in the device manager.
5. Installing the new WMM file
Check version
To verify the cable connection and WMM version, click the “Check Version” button.
Dialog box must be green and the current (old) WMM version is displayed at the bottom.