Copyright Safewaze 2022
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Safewaze Northstar Classic SRLs are designed for use as a component of a complete Personal Fall Arrest System (PFAS). The purpose is to prevent
the fall or limit the potential fall arrest forces as much as possible. A variety of connection and configuration options are available to suit any users
preference or jobsite requirements.
ANSI Z359.0
Definitions and Nomenclature Used for Fall Protection and Fall Arrest
ANSI Z359.2
Minimum Requirements for a Comprehensive Managed Fall Protection Program
ANSI Z359.12 Connecting Components for Personal Fall Arrest Systems
ANSI Z359.14 Safety Requirements for Self-Retracting Devices for Personal Fall Arrest and Rescue Systems
ANSI A10.32
Personal Fall Protection use in Construction and Demolition
Safewaze Self Retracting Lifelines are designed in compliance with ANSI Z359.14 to meet the weight capacity range of
(130-310 lbs), OSHA (420 lbs).
Anchorages selected for fall arrest systems shall have a strength capable of sustaining static loads applied in the directions
permitted by the system of at least:
1. 5,000 lbs. (22.2 kN) for non-certified anchorages, or
2. Two times the maximum arresting force for certified anchorages.
When more than one fall arrest system is attached to an anchorage, the strengths set forth in (1) and (2) above shall be multiplied by the
number of systems attached to the anchorage.
From OSHA 1926.500 and 1910.66:
Anchorages used for attachment of personal fall arrest systems shall be independent of any anchorage being used to support or suspend
platforms, and capable of supporting at least 5,000 lbs (22.2 kN) per user attached, or be designed, installed, and used as part of a complete
personal fall arrest system which maintains a safety factor of at least two, and is under the supervision of a qualified person.
Locking Speed:
The nature of this equipment requires sufficient space in the working area to allow for the SRL to lock. Working in small or
confined spaces may keep the user’s body from reaching the speed needed to lock the SRL during a fall. Working on slowly shifting
materials, such as grain or sand, may not allow the speed needed to cause the SRL to lock.
Swing Falls:
As the user moves laterally away from an overhead anchor point, the risks related to swing falls increase. The force of
striking an object involving swing fall can in some instances generate more forces than a fall with the user wearing no fall protection
equipment. Minimize swing falls by working as directly below the anchorage point as possible.
Free Fall:
Safewaze SRLs when used correctly with the unit anchored directly overhead and no slack in the lifeline, will limit the free fall
distance to 0 ft. (0 cm). In order to limit free fall distances, keep attachment of the SRL below Dorsal D-ring height to as minimal a
distance as possible. Safewaze Northstar Classic SRLs are designed to allow for foot level tie-off, but never anchor the SRL at a
level below the users feet.
Fall Clearance:
Figure 4 Illustrates a Fall Clearance Calculation. Fall Clearance (FC) is the total combined values of Free Fall (FF),
Deceleration Distance (DD), and a Safety Factor (SF). Safety Factor calculations may differ by manufacturer, but for the
purposes of this manual, the Safety Factor is calculated at 1.5 ft.. The Safety Factor includes D-ring shift and Harness Stretch.
Tables 7 and 8 in this manual indicate the Minimum Fall Clearance when the Northstar Classic LE SRLs are anchored overhead. For falls from
a kneeling or crouched position an additional 3 ft (1 m) of Fall Clearance is required. If a Swing Fall Hazard exists, the total vertical fall distance
will be greater than if the user had fallen directly under the anchor point. Section 3 and Table 9 in this manual provide information regarding
Swing Fall hazards and additional Fall Clearance Requirements.
Safewaze SRLs conform to the national standard(s) identified on their ID label. Refer to local, state, and federal (OSHA) requirements for additional
information concerning the governing of occupational safety regarding Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS). Examples of Northstar Classic SRL
labeling are located on (Page 15) of this manual.
This equipment is intended to be used by persons trained in its correct application and use. It is the responsibility of the user to assure they are familiar
with these instructions and are trained in the correct care and use of this equipment. Users must be aware of the operating characteristics, application,
limits, and the consequences of improper use.
When installing or using this equipment always refer to the following requirements and limitations: