User Manual
V1.5 2022 Copyright Safewaze
Page 20
13.0 Labels
Manufacturer’s instructions supplied with this product at time of shipment must be
read and understood prior to use. Ensure Horizontal Lifeline is installed at an
elevations which will limit Free Falls to a maximum of 6 feet when using Energy
Absorbing Lanyards, and installed overhead when using Self Retracting Lifelines.
This equipment must be installed under the supervision of a Qualified Person.
Inspect all connections prior to use and verify connecting components are installed
correctly. Failure to make secure connections could result in serious injury or death.
Not flame or heat resistant. Avoid contact with sharp and abrasive edges. Caution
should be taken using this equipment near Hazardous Thermal, Electrical, or
Chemical Sources. Equipment exposed to fall arrest forces should be immediately
removed from service. Alteration or misuse of this product, or failure to follow
instructions could lead to serious injury or death. DO NOT REMOVE THIS LABEL.
14.0 Inspection Log