4. Alarm
You make an alarm by pressing the alarm button. The alarm button must be pressed for two
seconds to activate the alarm. To confirm that you have made an alarm, the LED ring will flash red.
During the red flashing you have the time to cancel an alarm with the
cancellation button. If you do
not cancel the alarm you have made, the LED ring will light red, indicating that the alarm has been
sent. If the alarm is accepted and dealt with by a esponder, the LED ring goes out and the Mopas
BT goes back to rest.
As long as an alarm is not accepted and handled by a rescuer, the Mopas BT remains in alarm. No
new alarm can be made in this alarm phase.
The alarm is sent from the Mopas BT to the SafetyTracer Cloud Monitoring System, which then
forwards it to the responder(s). The reposnder can then set up a speak / listen connection with the
Mopas BT. A conversation can then be held as with a normal telephone. If the esponder calls the
Mopas BT, a call is immediately established.
A call between the responder and you is only possible if you have pressed the alarm button. In all
other cases no telephone contact can be made with the Mopas BT.
Turn off alarm
Is there a false alarm? For example, because the alarm button was accidentally pressed? Then
cancel the alarm during the time the LED ring flashes red with the
cancellation button
5. Status overview of the LED ring
The LED ring of the Mopas BT shows the status of the alarm transmitter. It consists of LED signal-
ing in 3 colors: green, red and blue. Below is a description of the most common combinations.
Let op!
Als het alarm is afge-
handeld, dan dient u de
Mopas BT opnieuw op te
Flashes green
Status Mopas BT
The green LED flashes every 30 seconds to indicate that the Mopas BT is operating
Flashes red
The alarm button is pressed, user still has the time to cancel the alarm in the event of
a false alarm.
Constant red
Alarm is final and is sent to the responders.
Constant blue
Battery status
Indicates that the battery needs to be charged.