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Intercom Mode
How to Operate
Depress Two-Way Activation Button on Baby’s Unit. Two-Way Mode LED will illuminate solid red.
Set volume on Baby’s Unit to desired level.
Press the “Push to Talk” Button on Parent’s Unit and speak directly into Microphone. “Push to Talk” Button must
be depressed while you speak for Baby’s Unit to receive communication.
If interference is heard, switch both Units to the other channel.
Operating Tips
• Make sure both Units are on the same channel. Even though you may hear your baby’s sounds, proper use of this
system requires that both units be on the same channel. If on different channels, signals from Baby’s Unit can be
strong enough to be picked by Parent’s Unit, however, there will be a lot of static.
• When using AC adapter, make sure electrical outlet has power. Some electrical outlets are powered through a wall
switch in the room. When Baby’s and Parent’s Units are plugged in and turned “ON”, the power indicator light should
be lit. If it is not, turn wall switch “ON”.
• Power On LED not working
• Static or interference in the signal
• Parent’s Unit is making loud noises
• Parent’s Unit is picking up noises from
outside your home
• Weak sound coming from Unit
• Baby’s Unit is set for Intercom Mode
but not receiving communication from
Parent’s Unit
Possible Cause
• Battery may be dead, 9-volt battery
needs to be replaced
• Power is not getting to the unit
• Baby’s and Parent’s Units may be set on
different channels
• Appliances with loud fans near Units may
be blocking transmission
• Local interference from electrical or radio
frequency appliance near your location
• Units are too close together
• Neighbors may have a baby monitor or
cordless phone
• Batteries may be weak
• Units may be too far away from
each other
• Parent’s “Push to Talk” Button is not
being continuously depressed while
parent is speaking
• Replace 9-volt battery
• Make sure wall outlet is working
• Make sure unit is properly plugged into
the wall and outlet is switched ON
• Make sure both Units are on the same
channel (A or B)
• Turn off the appliances that may be
causing interference
• Reduce the distance between the
two Units
• Unit may be under fluorescent lights,
turn off lights
• Switch channel setting on both Parent’s
and Baby’s Units
• Parent’s Unit needs to be at least 3
meters (10 feet) away from the Baby’s Unit
• Change both Units to the alternate
channel (A or B)
• Check batteries, replace if necessary
• Move the Units closer
• Continuously hold “Push to Talk” Button
while speaking into microphone for Baby’s
Unit to receive complete communication