UPnP Settings
If you do not setup port forwarding in your router manually, then check and click submit,
then it is automatically set up if your router supports UPnP.
In some routers UPnP must be enabled to be used.
Consult the router’s manual or contact your ISP if they have supplied your router.
Setting up Email
Fill each field with your mail
setup. See the table “Sum-
mary and recommendation
for various Internet Service
Providers” for the correct
settings for different providers
in Denmark.. Once you have
completed mail settings and
tested that it works, you should
try the “Alarm Service Settings”
and select the “Motion Detect
Armed”, which opens a few
fields where you can adjust the alarm sensitivity.
You will now receive an email with attached photos whenever the
camera detects motion. Be aware that you do not receive email when
camera is open in your browser. You might have to apply your Internet
Service providers mail server instead of a web-based email services like Gmail, so if you
find that you can not get setup for Gmail to work, try with the email address/email settings
that you have been informed by your ISP.
When the Alarm Service Settings is enabled, to sending e-mail alerts, it will use the set-
tings specified in this section.
Sender: The e-mail that appears as sender in the mail
Receiver: You can specify up to 4 different receivers of e-mail
when there is an alarm.
SMTP: The SMTP Server as the mail sender (can be supplied
by your ISP).
SMTP Port: Usually 25, but the one that hosts your mail
server (your ISP), has the number.
Need Authentication: Ticked if the mail server requires a
username and password (as most do).