24–40 GHz SPECTRUM COMPACT v.2 (FW V5.3.3)
Tapping the SWEEP CONT. button starts and stops continuous sweep of the
selected spectrum range and registering of a spectrum curve.
If a sweeping related parameter (frequency, level or trace setting) is modified, the
sweep is restarted from the beginning.
When SWEEP CONT. is enabled, the SWEEP CONT. button is
and a small white
bar is moving under the graph, indicating how far the selected span has been swept.
SWEEP CONT. is enabled by default.
The FREQ menu allows selecting START (left limit of the horizontal axis), CENTER
(center value of the horizontal axis) and STOP (right limit of the horizontal axis)
frequencies of the spectrum range in megahertz (MHz).
While at the FREQ menu, tapping the right part of the graph decreases SPAN
(zooms in) and tapping the left part of the graph increases SPAN (zooms out).
Sliding the graph to the right or to the left modifies START and STOP
frequencies by equal amounts.
Modifying either START or STOP frequency will alter CENTER frequency and SPAN.
Modifying CENTER frequency will alter both START and STOP frequencies, but will
preserve SPAN, if possible (it may not be possible due to limits of the supported
frequency range).
The currently selected parameter (START/ STOP/ CENTER) is displayed in white. To
select a different parameter, tap on it once. The color of the keypad buttons shows
The SWEEP CONT. button