The User Synergies Menu is accessible from the homepage. This function of the power source allows the user to create their own synergies from the
existing ones.
From the synergy bar, located on the top of the screen as in the MIG menu, choose an existing synergy by selecting the following parameters: metal,
diameter, gas, arc transfer. Choose those parameters as close as possible from the user synergy you want to create.
Once the parameters are selected, press the button User Synergy Creation:
The first step is the selection of the synergy points that will serve as support for the new synergic curves. Select at least 2 points, then validate.
The second step is the modification of the selected points, the addition of new points or the suppression of existing points.
Select a point among the list, press on “edit”. See below the settable parameters:
Wire speed (m/min) : to create a new point, change this value and press the add point button.
Arc length
Fine tuning
Thickness (mm)
I (A)
U (V)
Striking adjustment
The tuning of those parameters allows you adjusting the User Synergy according to your needs.
On this schematic example of a synergic curve, 4 points are
selected in order to create the user synergy.
The user added 3 points on the 4 support points by
setting the adjustable parameters for new values of the
wire speed.