Wait until the water finishes flowing into
the cups before removing the filter holder.
Turn the handle from right to left to
remove the filter holder and then empty
any excess water from the filter basket.
Let the cup(s) stand for a few moments
to absorb the heat from the water and
then empty.
Always use caution when
removing the filter holder from
the machine as it may be very hot
and could burn you.
1) What you should know first
Brewing good espresso with its
characteristic thick, golden crema
depends on a number of factors coming
together in just the right way.
A good extraction depends on fresh,
good quality water being heated to the
correct temperature, and then forced
through finely ground coffee under just
the right pressure.
When these important factors are
combined properly the resulting shot of
to 2 oz. of espresso will be delivered
in about 20 seconds, and will be topped
by a thick, golden brown crema with a
slightly marbled appearance.
Fortunately for you, this machine has
been designed to heat the water to just
the right temperature and to provide just
the right pressure.
All you have to do is supply the fresh,
cold water, preferably filtered or bottled,
and the right kind of ground coffee.
Using pods makes your job even easier.
You should use an espresso roast, which
is finely ground but not powdery.
The specially designed filter holder for
your machine will work well with a wide
range of possible grinds. However, if the
grind is too fine the espresso will slowly
drip from the filter holder.
If the grind is too coarse the espresso
will flow too quickly. In either case, the
crema will not develop properly and the
espresso will not be satisfying.
When properly extracted, the espresso
will flow in two thin, golden streams from
the filter holder into your cup.
It may take some experimentation, but
once you find the right espresso roast
for your taste - ground to the right
consistency, you will truly appreciate the
advantage of making real Italian espres-
so in your own home.
2) Brewing Espresso
Make sure the larger filter basket is
in the filter holder and then add one
measure of ground coffee for one shot
of espresso or two measures for two
shots. Be sure to wipe any excess ground
coffee from the rim of the filter basket to
avoid the possibility of leakage. Use the
bottom of the measuring scoop to level
and lightly tamp the grounds in the filter
Make sure you have followed the
pre-heating procedure and that the ready
light is on. Insert the filter holder into the
brew head. Turn the handle from left to
right until it is securely in place.
When you release the handle it will
automatically spring slightly back to the
left. This indicates that your filter holder
is operating properly.
Place your pre-heated cup(s) directly
beneath the two outlets on the bottom
of the filter holder.
Press the brew switch, the pump will
come on and after a few seconds espres-
so will begin to flow into the cup(s).