cLeAnInG AnD MAIntenAnce
Switch off the machine and unplug it.
Clean the tank and the cover.
Remove the drip tray, empty and
wash it with soap and water. Do
not wash it in the dishwasher.
Remove the dregdrawer.
Remove and wash the wand
support; then re-insert it.
Remove the outer sleeve of the hot
water / steam wand; thoroughly rinse it
under running water, then re-insert it.
Empty and clean it.
Clean the bypass doser with a dry
Wipe the display.
GeneRAL MAcHIne cLeAnInG
The cleaning described below must be performed once a week.
Note: if water remains in the tank for several days, do not use it.
WARnInG! never immerse the machine in water.
MAIntenAnce DURInG oPeRAtIon
During normal operation, the “empty coffee grounds drawer” message will appear. This operation must be
performed when the machine is on.
The message to empty the
dregdrawer is displayed approximately
every 14 coffee cycles. If you remove
grounds with the machine off or when
not signaled on the display, the count
of coffee cycles into the drawer is not
reset. For this reason the machine
might display the “empty coffee
grounds drawer” message even when
the dregdrawer is not full.