This setting provides a very coarse
press and turn.
This setting provides a very fi ne grinding.
SaeCo aDaPtInG SYStem
Coff ee is a natural product and its characteristics may change according to its origin, blend and roast. The Saeco coff ee machine is equipped
with a self-adjusting system that allows the use of all types of coff ee beans available on the market (not including fl avored or carmelized).
• The machine automatically adjusts itself in order to optimize the extraction of the coff ee, ensuring perfect compression of the beans to
obtain a creamy espresso coff ee that is able to release all the aromas, regardless of the type of coff ee used.
• The optimization process is a learning process that requires the brewing of a certain number of coff ees to allow the machine to adjust the
compactness of the ground coff ee.
• Attention should be given to special blends, which require grinder adjustments in order to optimize the extraction of the coff ee.
Coffee GrInDer aDJUStment
The machine allows slight adjustments to the coff ee grinder to adapt it to the kind of coff ee used.
Important Note: Adjustments to the coff ee grinder can be made only when the grinder is being used. This phase takes
place during the fi rst part of a coff ee brewing.
The adjustment can be carried out by using the dial inside the bean hopper without coming into contact with any moving parts.
Press and rotate the dial (one step at a time) according to the indications provided on the cover.
Press and turn the dial one notch at a time and brew 2-3 cups of coff ee; this is the only way to notice diff erences in the grind.