Click OK:
I’m trying to use the device with an application, but I cant select it/it doesn’t work, what can I do?
Unfortunately this device was designed with Ulead VideoStudio in mind, meaning this program will give you
the best compatibility and usage. While this doesn’t mean that you will be unable to use another program to
access the video or audio stream, it simply means that certain features will not be accessible through 3
party software.
I can see the preview, but for some reason the image is in black and white. What do I do?
This issue can be caused by a few things. First of all, ensure your device is properly installed by checking your
Device Manager and ensuring the components are properly installed, if this turns out to be the case then
reinstall the device drivers. The main cause for this issue will be due to improper compression settings. In
order to change these settings to see if the issue is resolved, continue below:
Change the source to AVI:
Click on Options, and then Video Audio Capture Property Settings:
Click on the Capture tab, then click on YUY2 and change it to l420 (or any other setting that may be
available). Click OK: