The FBX automatic feedback controller improves
any sound reinforcement system. By following these
simple instructions, you will be assured of the most
benefit from your FBX and sound system. The
instructions presume that you are familiar with the
fundamentals of sound reinforcement. If any of the
terms are not clear, or if the system does not perform
as expected, contact your local Sabine dealer for
further information. Read on for a basic explanation
of FBX features you should understand before using
your FBX.
When connecting the
power supply to the
FBX-SOLO, angle the
connector down, then
push the connector up into the input gently, with the
lip facing up as shown. Do not force the connector
into or out of the FBX.
The FBX has two types of constant “Q” filters: Fixed
and Dynamic. Both filters are placed the same way:
feedback is detected and the filter is placed just
deep enough to eliminate it. The difference between
Fixed and Dynamic comes after the filter is placed.
Fixed filters are set automatically during the initial
setup and remain on the initially detected feedback
frequency — they do not move. The system’s gain
before feedback is provided by the Fixed filters; i.e.,
increasing the number of Fixed filters increases the
system’s allowable gain before feedback.
The FBX’s Dynamic filters control intermittent feed-
back that occurs during the program.
NOTE: Dynamic filters release only when
necessary, i.e., after all filters have set, but a
new feedback frequency has been detected.
These filters will not "gradually release" as
they might in other feedback controllers —
leaving you unprotected and at risk of feed-
back. Sabine's Dynamic filters allow for adap-
tive, safe, continuous feedback control during
the performance.
If Lock Fixed is not engaged, the Fixed filters will
control feedback during performance on their as-