S9v 31’ M K II Installation Guide
There is no precise formula to calculate the length of ground-mounted radials
because everyone has different soil and soil tends to change the electrical length
of the radials. However, a general rule of thumb for radials is: “as many as
possible” and “some are better than none”. Also, multiple short radials are better
than a few long radials. If you have the time and resources, 32 or more radials at
least 26 feet, 9 inches in length (or longer) should be considered.
It is highly recommend that you use ring terminal connectors and a radial plate to
connect and organize your radials. The optional S9 Radial Plate (or our PRO
plate) has 36 radial mounting holes and includes 20 sets of stainless steel
hardware – enough to connect 40 radials to the plate. Additional, detailed
information on ground-mounted radials can be found on page 24.
S9 Radial Plate
For elevated installations
, use four, ¼ wavelength radials for each intended
band of operation. For example, you should have four ¼-wavelength radials for
40 meters, four ¼-wavelength radials for 20 meters, and so on. Attach the
radials to the optional S9v Pipe Mount Clamp below the base of the antenna and
try to position the radials equidistantly around the S9v base. The radials may lie
flat or droop up to a 45-degree angle down from the base of the antenna. Attach
insulators to the ends of the radials. Connect your coax shield to the clamp and
radials. Do NOT run a wire from the radials/clamp/coax shield to an earth ground.