All rights reserved. Copying in whole or in part is prohibited
All rights reserved. Copying in whole or in part is prohibited
without expressed written authorization from the manufacturer.
without expressed written authorization from the manufacturer.
View Photo and Video
1. Under the preview mode, press “UP “ or “DOWN”
Status: It will display the previous photo or Video.
2. Then, press “UP” or “DOWN” to view the
previous or next photo or video.
Status: The files are arranged in the sequence of
video/photo taken time.
Addition: When switch to the Video File, the DVR
will automatically play the Video file till the end, and
then go back to next photo or Video.
Date/ Time Setup
1. Press OK.
2. Press “UP”
or “DOWN” to
switch to
3. Press “OK” button.
4. Press “SNAP” (increase) or “REC” (decrease)
to adjust the year.
5. Press “DOWN” to move the blinking square to
the next to-be-adjusted item.
6. Repeat Step 4 and 5 until the DATE/TIME are
7. After finishing the setting, Push “OK” to quit.